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Trying to print an 8X10 print

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Trying to print a pic from my digital camera

the image size is 2896x1944

seemingly plenty big enough

But when windows prints at 8x10 the edges get cut off

I looked at PDN post

Setting it to a canvas size anchored middle gives me a big white border.

any help appreciated


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It's big enough to make an 8x10 photo, but you can't shrink it, keep the dimension ratios, and not clip off a bit of the edges all at the same time. It's too wide. Either you distort the image or you cut off the edges.

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Thanks for the reply.

Do you think it would help to choose another setting in my camera menu. (Nikon D60)

Choices are

Large 3872 x 2592

medium 2896 x 1944

small 1936 x 1296


I am o.k. with cutting off some edges my subjects are in the center with about an inch on the sides and more on top and bottom.

...scratching head

Edited by Martel

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The image as it comes from the camera isn't in an 8X10 aspect ratio.

So, cropping to an 8X10 ratio first may help.

Using Rectangular Selection, change the toolbar setting

from "Normal" to "Fixed Ratio".

Enter 8 and 10 in the Width and Height adjustment, as appropriate.

Position and size the rectangular selection, then:

Image > Crop to Selection.

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  • 8 months later...

Thanks so much. I knew there had to be a way to do this in paint.net, but I had never figured it out. Glad I searched it just now :)

The image as it comes from the camera isn't in an 8X10 aspect ratio.

So, cropping to an 8X10 ratio first may help.

Using Rectangular Selection, change the toolbar setting

from "Normal" to "Fixed Ratio".

Enter 8 and 10 in the Width and Height adjustment, as appropriate.

Position and size the rectangular selection, then:

Image > Crop to Selection.

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