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Hi, Can anyone please advise me as every time I try to download Paint.net i keep getting following message : Adobe Reader could not open "paint.net.3.5.4 install (1)zip: because the file it is either not supported file type or because the file has beendamage: I have downloaded most updated adobe also winzip but still cannot get Paint.net to load. would appreciate any info that may help me.

Thankinh you All,



What happens if you double-left-click the zip file?

Adobe Reader should have no part in this.

You may need to reset your file association for .zip.

What OS version do you have? (XP, Vista, etc.)


Hi All,

I wish i could get that option but all i get is the message with no option, i dowloaded directly from Paint.net site the previous replier lance suggested alter tool settings had a look also but not sure what to change. Once again thank you all for help. Archie7748


Thank you all for your help the problem was the winzip was corrupted, just downloaded new oe and Paint net loaded first try , once again thanks to all who gave me advice, will know where to come in future lol. Archie 7748

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