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feather plugin?

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I thought I read that it basically just used a version of blur to it instead of a gradual fading to transparency? Is it really an actual feather?

I have written 4 different versions of feather.

The first one, called Object Feather, used a blur to make the hard edges of cutouts blured slightly in order to simulate an anti-alias effect. While it was nice for its time, it does produce less than perfect results.

The second, called Object Feather - True Feather, made the hard edges of cutouts slightly transparent. This was better and well liked by the users here.

The third, called Selection Feather, makes the hard edges of your current selection slightly transparent. This is how most other programs feather stuff. This is by far the most accurate of my plugins.

The fourth, called Object Feather 3.0, is a mixture of the first and second. The results are far superior to Object Feather and True Feather. It basically uses both techniques blended together. This last one is going to replace my Object Feather plugin. You can download it now, if you want, at http://www.spreadpaint.net exclusively until I update my plugin pack early next week.

I hope this explanation helps.

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