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Editing Straight Lines

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I want to draw a straight line and then be able to edit that straight line. Unfortunately the original straight line is actually a "straight curve" with four handles...

Is there an option (like holding down ALT) when grabbing an "end handle" to ensure the line remains straight (from end to end)?

Is there a way to delete (the DELete button seems to work like ENTER) the middle two handles to obtain an editable straight line?

Wouldn't it be nice to have the option of defining the number of handles (up by the alias and blend options) to place on the line when it is created?

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I want to draw a straight line and then be able to edit that straight line.

What kind of editing specifically do you want to do to the straight line?

Just make it longer/shorter or something else?

Is there an option (like holding down ALT) when grabbing an "end handle" to ensure the line remains straight (from end to end)?

Only when initially drawing the line, the Shift key will enforce straight lines at 15 degree increments.

After the mouse button is released, none that I know of.

Is there a way to delete (the DELete button seems to work like ENTER) the middle two handles to obtain an editable straight line?


Wouldn't it be nice to have the option of defining the number of handles (up by the alias and blend options) to place on the line when it is created?

Sure would.

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There's not way to change the number of nubs, but here's a workaround. You can use the Move Selected Pixels (shortcut 'm') tool to move and rotate the line once you've drawn it. Left-click and drag to move it, right-click and drag to rotate it. You'll want to draw lines on their own layers, though, or the background will move too.


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Thanks for the workaround... that will work for me...

I'll just have to make the lines longer than necessary so I can trim them to the appropriate length after I've rotated and moved them (on their separate layers).

Still... wouldn't it be nice to have the option of defining the number of handles to place on the line when it is created?

Can I make an enhancement request on this forum?

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Still... wouldn't it be nice to have the option of defining the number of handles to place on the line when it is created?

Can I make an enhancement request on this forum?

This issue/feature has been raised in the past. I'm sure Rick is aware of it, even though it does not yet appear in the Popular Feature Requests thread.

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I've just filed a bug for v4.0 to address several improvements that should be made to the Line/Curve tool: the ability to change the # of nubs, and granular history. In your case you'd just set the # of nubs to 2 and have at it.

(Yes I'm sure I had a bug filed for this already, but at some point I went through and killed off all the bugs/ideas that'd been sitting around for forever in my database. If features are good ideas, they'll come back to you. Like this one.)

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