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Copied Text not pasting correctly

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Newbie here. I am trying to copy and paste text to a new layer. The text I am copying is about 10 lines when I paste it to the layer it only shows one line of text. Normally in a document it will wrap to the next line. What am I doing wrong?

Here is what I am pasting: In Latin, no need to try and read.

Etiam eget urna sed nunc rutrum varius. Suspendisse ultrices, felis non vestibulum iaculis, mauris eros placerat mauris, non accumsan arcu nisi ac magna. Morbi ornare. Maecenas scelerisque nisi nec odio. Proin luctus neque quis augue. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla ultrices posuere libero. Cras non neque id tellus tincidunt convallis. Curabitur rhoncus facilisis nunc. Proin in risus. Aliquam augue risus, tempus et, pretium suscipit, tempus eget, orci. Phasellus leo augue, malesuada eu, molestie a, vestibulum vel, erat. Nam pellentesque. Vestibulum vulputate malesuada lorem. Cras tincidunt euismod odio. Sed eu risus. Etiam lorem nisl, elementum eget, dignissim vel, tincidunt eu, eros. Maecenas a ligula.

But I only get the first line. Like so.

Etiam eget urna sed nunc rutrum varius. Suspendisse ultrices, felis non vestibulum iaculis, mauris eros placerat mauris, non accumsan arcu nisi ac magna. Morbi

thanks for help

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The reason for this is because when you type a multiline block of text in a word processor, it will automatically move the text to the next line when you hit the edge of the document. However, when you type text in Paint.NET the words aren't automatically shifted down.

So what you'll need to do is press the enter button every time you want the text to go to the next line.

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