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Did you have a small gradient or blur the blue into a transparent background? if so it all depends on the site and background it is on..

If you don't want a background when you are designing your thing, take the eraser, and then erase the entire white till you see the checkers, which are indicative of transparency.


what shall be in the background instead? transparency? in case of transparency use the magic wand selection tool and click on the white area. if now all the white you want to remove is selected press the delete key on you keyboard. if not adjust the tolerance to your liking by clicking on the bar at the very bottom of the toolbar window.


yea, use the magic wand tool, about? 60% would do perfect...and click around the white, it should select everything but the middle...

I wish that PdN would allow you to add to a selection...

Hold [Ctrl].

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype


Really? What about subtracting? I have tried it before but it didn't do anything. Subtracting would be excellent for odd shaped images, where you could lasso around it and subtract like that.


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