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How to use .mov of clouds in a Photodex program.

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I have a Video-Clouds.mov video. I have seen on the internet were these clouds are put behind a picture of a house, building, scene where clouds are in the picture but the clouds are taken out and the video I have is inserted behind the picture without the clouds that were in the picture but with the moving clouds. Hope you understood that? Will Paint.NET let me create this image for Proshow Producer program I use? How is this done????

Thanks Jerry

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Well this forum is for Paint.NET questions, but I will explain to you only the way of how to remove ( cutout) the back ground of your image of the house, and go fast on other details of Proshow part.

ProShow Producer supports Chroma Keying feature (Green Screen), but as you said the image of the house has a cloudy background, so that won't work so well in the proshow by using the chroma key.

So the best way is to remove the background of the image in Paint net using this tutorial and save the image of the house as PNG (it has to be in PNG to avoid the chroma keying hassle) format then import it to Proshow as a top layer don't worry if the background will appear in black the bottom layer will solve that, and import the cloud video as a bottom layer. then stretch the time of the house to make same length as the video of the cloud.

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