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Texture Tutorials

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For the first time in nearly a month, I have an almost free weekend. To celebrate this, I will be creating a multi-texture creation tutorial. Of the 10 poll options, I will create a tutorial for the top 5.

Poll Ended.

*Note1: Water option will include a mini-tutorial on flow, so don't worry about it's simplicity.

*Note2: All options will include mini-tutorials on how to apply them, once again, do not worry about simplicity.

*Note3: If a tie occurs, I will pick the one that I deem more useful.

*Note4: Skin option will also show alternate steps that create a green leaf texture.

Bark 13% 13% [ 6 ]

Brushed Metals 10% 10% [ 5 ]

Granite 15% 15% [ 7 ]

Heavy Fabric 6% 6% [ 3 ]

Light Fabric 4% 4% [ 2 ]

Paneled Wood 8% 8% [ 4 ]

Skin 17% 17% [ 8 ]

Solid-piece Hardwood 0% 0% [ 0 ]

Synthetic Rubber 6% 6% [ 3 ]

Water 21% 21% [ 10 ]

It appears that I will be creating tutorials for-


Brushed Metals






Keep watch in the texture sub-forum as I am hoping to be finished with this by Sunday night. Thank you for voting, I'm a very indecisive person and could not choose for myself.



(Click top half for DeviantArt gallery) (Click bottom half for Paint.NET gallery)

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Alright, so my 'almost free weekend' has been much less free than I'd thought. Mostly because of that 8 inches of snow that takes hours to shovel. Not only that, but I today learned that the Governor's school application I received Friday is due tomorrow. My bad guys, I'll have them up before the beginning of the next weekend.



(Click top half for DeviantArt gallery) (Click bottom half for Paint.NET gallery)

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