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Create Fast, AntiAliased Glass Buttons


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I know there are similar tutorials outside, but many of them use alpha mask which costs much time or have some bad edges.

Final result:


Plugins used:

Align Object:


1. Create a new document 300X300 px. and delete the white colour. Rename the layer to “Ring”

2. Use the ellipse tool, mode, Draw filled shape, Colour: Light gray (808080) and press Ctrl to draw a circle fitting into the image

3. Use Align Object, center (yes, this is important)


4. Duplicate the layer and name the top layer “Ring Reflection”

5. Use Adjustments, Hue/Saturation lightness to 90

6. Use the gradient tool, mode: Transparency mode, Linear reflected.

Start at the centre and draw a diagonal Line. Now it should look like this


7. Duplicate the ring Layer and Name it “3D” move 3D to the top.

8. Use Layers, Rotate/Zoom Zoom at 0.90x


9. Duplicate 3D and name the top layer “3D Reflection”

10. Use Adjustments, Hue/Saturation lightness to -90

11. Use the gradient tool, mode: Transparency mode, Linear.

Start above the image and draw a straight Line(hold Ctrl) down to the inner circle.

Now it should look like this:


12. Duplicate 3D and name the top layer “Colour”

13. Use Adjustment, Curves, RGB mode , uncheck Red and pull the Right part of the line to the Button (to change the colour use Hue/Saturation)


14. Use Layers, Rotate/Zoom Zoom at 0.90x


15. Duplicate Colour and name the top layer “Colour Shade”

16. Use Adjustments, Hue/Saturation lightness to -90

17. Use the gradient tool, mode: Transparency mode, Linear.

On top of the Black Circle and draw a straight Line down to the button of the circle.

Now it should look like this:


18. Create a new Layer named “Colour Reflections”

18. Use the ellipse tool, mode, Draw filled shape, Colour: White like this:


19. Use the gradient tool, mode: Transparency mode, Linear. Draw a straight line from the top of the reflection to a point under the Reflection it should now look like the Final Result:


Edited by Redfrog

WHY? WHY do you have to Stop XP support?

Don't we have a right to use the new functions?

I love Paint.NET but its time to say:


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