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copy/paste/selecting and the universe

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Hello paint.net people. I am here to suggest a suggestion that is so azmazing that my head would explode if I even began to understand it.

While using regular crappy microsoft paint for no apparent reason, I was thinking, when you select an image, or past and image, I noticed microsoft paint made a certain colour transparent.

Well how about this...

When you copy and paste an image or move/select an image, perhaps there could be a way to determine which colour is transparent? And maybe you could use that "tolerance" button to make it even cooler.

And also maybe how about the ability to use the "paint fill" tool to fill an area with transparency which could also use the tolerance option.

I am sorry if my ideas were already stolen by someone and used in paint.net but I felt I had to say them.

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"Determining which color is transparent" -- we use an alpha channel, which gives variable transparency (256 shades of transparency, so to speak). The original Paint has polluted the imaging world with this notion that "one color" is transparent. That's not how things are supposed to work.

As for filling with transparency, check out the latest v2.2 Alpha download. There is an option called "alpha blending" which you can disable, and then you may fill a region directly with the alpha value you have selected in the Colors box. Otherwise if you select an alpha value of 0 and use the paint bucket it says "oh, this color should not contribute anything, so I'll leave the pixels alone."

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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As for filling with transparency, check out the latest v2.2 Alpha download. There is an option called "alpha blending" which you can disable, and then you may fill a region directly with the alpha value you have selected in the Colors box. Otherwise if you select an alpha value of 0 and use the paint bucket it says "oh, this color should not contribute anything, so I'll leave the pixels alone."

So that's what that's for! I was wondering about what that did, but I hadn't been able to notice a difference. Of course, I never did try filling a selection with transparency...

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