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How to draw pips with a concave appearance?

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I am a software programmer, and I am making a dice game.

However, I am not a graphic artist and I am not going to hire one for a free game.

I thought that drawing dice would be easy.

Well, it is quite easy to draw them using Shape3d.

If I am going to use flat pips, the dice are ready.

But they don't look very nice.

So I wanted to make 3d-like pips, with a concave appearance.

I used Shape3d again but only got convex pips, which look wrong, beacuse pips should be embedded in the die, not popping out of it.

So, can anyone help?

Thank you.


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The only thing I can think of is to use a black circle as a half-sphere map and rotate it until you have a bowl, then overlay it onto the die.

I'll try to find an example in a tutorial in a few minutes.

*This isn't a tutorial, but if you read the whole thread, you should understand what I'm getting at.

**Or you could listen to Boltbait. :wink:



(Click top half for DeviantArt gallery) (Click bottom half for Paint.NET gallery)

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Try using shape3D with a flat colored canvas to make a spherical ball. Lower the depth radius to something around half. Click OK.

Now rotate the flattened ball by 180 degrees and blur. Overlay on a background the same color that you started with.

I used to make dished buttons that way.

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Thanks for help.

Anyway, that's exactly what I did in the first place, but only got the convex appearance you can see in the post.

Rotating it 180 only gives the impression of light coming from the other side, but a concave impression needs a different shape of the lighted part.

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I think the trick is in the combination of lighting, 3D depth and blurring




The inner dished part was originally a duplicate of the outer button layer, just rotated 180 degrees and scaled down.

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