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Text Orientation

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Hi, I'm very new to this.

I used paint.net to create one jpeg image several months ago and I'm just coming back to it now.

Can anyone tell me how to orient text at any angle? For example, I'd like to angle the phrase "River Road" on top of the road. (I'm drawing maps on top of satellite images for a book I'm writing.)

It looks like I've got a lot of re-learning to do. I can't even remember how to create a text box or text object! Can't find the right section of HELP or a tutorial, either.

All help is appreciated !

Thanks much.

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I make you a quick tuturial.

-make a new layer :AddNewLayer:(it should be transparent)

-write your text

Now there are two possibilities:

1)Klick in the "Layers" menu on "Rotate/Zoom". In the new window you can set everything!

2)Select the layer (ctrl+A) and press the right mouse button, so you can rotate the Image!



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Note that Paint.NET does not support "text objects", and text is rasterized the moment you finalize them. Therefore you cannot go back and re-edit it.

An alternative to the Rotate/Zoom tool would be to select you text with Rectangle Select, then right-click and drag the corners of the text box.

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