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Definition of "Milestone 1"

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Paint.NET has undergone extensive code changes since v2.6* in order to enable MDI. However, it's hard to know this just by using the program since the interface mostly feels the same.

So, you might be wondering where "Milestone 1" stands with relation to Alpha and Beta type releases.

"Milestone 1" in this case is the first development milestone of new code changes for Paint.NET v3.0. Right now I am at the stabilization stage of this milestone which means no new features until there are no more bugs**. This is called ZBB, or "zero bug backlog," in the industry. Essentially, why should I move on to Milestone 2 and start adding new features (like gradient tool!!!) unless I'm done fixing all the bugs that I already know about?

So if you don't see me adding features or changing things, like an 'x' close button on the MDI tabs, that is why. I am strictly fixing bugs at this point. You guys are helping out a lot here, so thanks.

After M1 is complete, I'll move on to M2 and start adding some new features. This includes the highly coveted gradient tool, additions and tweaks and changes to the MDI tab list, etc. It too will then have a ZBB. Then, there will be Beta and everything will go nuts because thousands of people will be downloading and testing and crashing the thing :)

* I say v2.6 because the v3.0 code base branched at that point and all the little updates and fixes from v2.6x and v2.7x have been integrated one by one since then.

** "No more bugs" doesn't mean there are no bugs. It means I have zero outstanding bugs or work items in my bug tracking database.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Interesting use of the term ZBB.

At Intel we have ZBB which stands for Zero Based Budget. It is basically a list of features in prioritized order and we draw a ZBB line where we think the features above the line will be implemented and the features below the line are slated for the following releases.

The ZBB line is somewhat flexible as we get closer to our planned release date. ;)

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wow, this is going to take quite awhile, but i definatly understand why your doing this.


Rick throws out v.3.0 the day after he throws a bunch of new tools and codeing into the program, can you imagin the Posting about bugs that is going to go through this forum! he would rather take it one step at a time...

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After M1 is complete, I'll move on to M2 and start adding some new features. This includes the highly coveted gradient tool, additions and tweaks and changes to the MDI tab list, etc. It too will then have a ZBB.

Will Merge Layers make the 3.0 version?

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