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Three requests

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- Variable-sized grid, at least as a visual aid.

- Have an option to paste the clipboard's contents in the center of the screen, instead of (0,0) or whatever coordinates it feels like.

- Have flip horizontally/vertically and 90-degree rotation affect only the selected area instead of the whole image.

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- Variable-sized grid, at least as a visual aid.

- Have an option to paste the clipboard's contents in the center of the screen, instead of (0,0) or whatever coordinates it feels like.

- Have flip horizontally/vertically and 90-degree rotation affect only the selected area instead of the whole image.

1) Get the Grid Maker that was provided by the above poster's link, but make the secondary color completely transparent for visual aid.

2) Deselect the clipboard content by pressing CTL+D simultaneously, then use the Align Object plugin to center the image in the document.

3) You could use BoltBait's Flip selection plugin from his plugin pack. Or you could search for Mirror/Rotate plugin which has the option of rotating by different angles.

Good luck.

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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