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recolor tool

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I have latest paint.net. I tried to follow the glowing text tutorial. I was unable to use the recolor tool a second time to recolor the text. I ran the repair program and tried the tutorial, this time the recolor worked worked. I open the program later and attempted the tutorial again and now I got the same problem, I select a color and attempt to apply with the recolor tool and nothing happens. I could probably run repairr again and fix it but this is not a solution. Please take a look, a few people are having the same problem on the glowing text tutorial. I know I am not doing something wrong because it worked for me a few times and then did not work Please advise.

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It sounds like you can reproduce this problem at will.

If so, please give some detailed and specific directions

on how to do so. Include info on primary and secondary

color settings at each step. Links to screenshots showing

the process would be helpful.

Your second post refers to using the recolor tool on a newly

created layer. Usually the term new layer means transparent

layer, which would have nothing on it to recolor.

In any event, additional explanation would help in trying

to reproduce the problem.

Also, please include a link to the tutorial you make reference to.

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Tutorial is entitled 3d Glow Style text/Space age text

Follow tutorial to this step....

Recolour Text_colour with your colour. Then Gaussian Blur Text_colour by 6PX. Use Circular Gradient with transparency mode ON, and drag from centre of text towards the outside

The recolor tool fails here when you select a color and try to use recolor tool to chane text color, I invite anyone to try this tutorial, also others in the comments of this tutorial have the same problem...

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Okay. That's this tutorial:

The tutorial has you set your primary color to white

and secondary to black.

When you get to the point where you are going to add color to the text,

you need to change your primary color to whatever color you want,

and change your secondary color to white.

If you leave the secondary color set to black it won't recolor the text.

When you ran the repair, part of that process was closing and later

reopening Paint.NET. Closing and reopening Paint.NET resets the

secondary color to default white which allows you to recolor the

white text layer in the tutorial.

So, I think everything's OK.

Cheers. :)

Edited by Sarkut
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