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CellMaker Rev


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Hi, this is a modified version of the Cellmaker plugin by Ego Eram Reputo.


Use Effects->Render->CellMaker Rev


Download Link > CellMakerRev.zip

I needed to see the center of borders, so i quickly learned how to write a plugin (thanks to CodeLab ;) ). Reading the original post and answers I used the MadJik's coding approach for efficiency.
Here is what it does:


It simply makes a grid of cells within a given selection. There are three corner options, hard, soft (corner pixels are removed) and rounded (three of the corner pixels are removed for a rounded look).

+ entire/not entire cells option
+ choose start grid reference
+ move grid
+ show borders centers
+ a lot faster then the original plugin
- it has the same flaw of the original plugin:


Hidden Content:
The plugin checks only if the 4 corners are visible to draw a cell. So this may happen.


A picture to show the possibilities



Hidden Content:

And the source code for CodeLab



// CellMaker Rev v1.0
// (CellMaker plugin (by Ego Eram Reputo) modified by MadJik remodified by X).
// Makes a grid of cells inside a given selection.
// The selection may be more than one area.
// Cell walls drawn in Primary color.
#region UICode
int Amount1 = 12; // [2,255] Cell Width
int Amount2 = 12; // [2,255] Cell Height
int Amount3 = 0; // [0,2] Corners: Hard, Soft, Rounded
bool Amount4 = false; // [0,1] Draw borders centers
bool Amount5 = true; // [0,1] Draw only entire Cells
bool Amount6 = true; // [0,1] Draw grid from top left of selection
int Amount7 = 0; // [-128,128] Move Horizontaly
int Amount8 = 0; // [-128,128] Move Verticaly

void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
    // Other variables
    PdnRegion selectionRegion = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds);
    Rectangle selection = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt();
    ColorBgra PrimaryColor = EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor;
    ColorBgra Pix;

    int Top, Top2, Bottom, Left, Left2, Right, CellWidth, W2, CellHeight, H2;
    bool IsLeft, IsTop, IsIncluded;
    bool L2T2, LT2, RT2, L2T = false, RT, L2B, LB, RB;
    CellWidth = (int)Amount1 + 1;
    CellHeight = (int)Amount2 + 1;
    W2 = (int)(Amount1 / 2) + 1;
    H2 = (int)(Amount2 / 2) + 1;
    // !! c# doesnt do the proper negative modulo
    //int XOffset = -selection.Left % CellWidth;
    //int YOffset = -selection.Top % CellHeight;
    int XOffset = (CellWidth - (selection.Left + Amount7) % CellWidth) % CellWidth;
    int YOffset = (CellHeight - (selection.Top + Amount8) % CellHeight) % CellHeight;
    // Clear the canvas in the case of changed parameters
    for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
        for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
            dst[x, y] = src[x, y];

    // Loop through all the cells in the selection
    for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
        Top = y / CellHeight * CellHeight;
        if (Amount6)
            Top -= YOffset;
            if (y >= Top + CellHeight)
                Top += CellHeight;

        Bottom = Top + CellHeight;
        Top2 = Top - CellHeight;
        //Bottom2 = Bottom + CellHeight;
        IsTop = y == Top;
        for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)

            IsIncluded = !Amount5;
            // Find the values for each of the cell vertices
            Left = x / CellWidth * CellWidth;
            if (Amount6)
                Left -= XOffset;
                if (x >= Left + CellWidth)
                    Left += CellWidth;

            Right = Left + CellWidth;
            Left2 = Left - CellWidth;
            //Right2 = Right + CellWidth;
            IsLeft = x == Left;
            Pix = src[x, y];

            // Test if the Cell is included in the selection
            // Extra checks for borders and angles
            // Try to minimize IsVisible calls
            if (Amount5)
                if (selectionRegion.IsVisible(Left, Top))
                    RT = selectionRegion.IsVisible(Right, Top);
                    LB = selectionRegion.IsVisible(Left, Bottom);
                    RB = selectionRegion.IsVisible(Right, Bottom);
                    IsIncluded = RT && LB && RB;
                    if (!IsIncluded && IsLeft)
                        L2T = selectionRegion.IsVisible(Left2, Top);
                        L2B = selectionRegion.IsVisible(Left2, Bottom);
                        IsIncluded = L2T && L2B && LB;
                    if (!IsIncluded && IsTop)
                        LT2 = selectionRegion.IsVisible(Left, Top2);
                        RT2 = selectionRegion.IsVisible(Right, Top2);
                        IsIncluded = RT && LT2 && RT2;
                        if (!IsIncluded && IsLeft)
                            L2T2 = selectionRegion.IsVisible(Left2, Top2);
                            IsIncluded = L2T && L2T2 && LT2;

            if (IsIncluded)
                // tests for the crossings effects
                switch (Amount3)
                    case 0: // Easy: just test if we are on the grid, draw PrimaryColor
                        if (IsLeft || IsTop)
                            Pix = PrimaryColor;

                    case 1: // Corner level 1, one x or y must be on the grid but not the both!
                        if (IsLeft ^ IsTop)
                            Pix = PrimaryColor;

                    case 2: // Corner level 2, more test to define if we need to draw the pixel!
                        if (IsLeft)
                            if ((Math.Abs(y - Top) > 1) && (Math.Abs(y - Bottom) > 1))
                                Pix = PrimaryColor;
                        else if (IsTop)
                            if ((Math.Abs(x - Left) > 1) && (Math.Abs(x - Right) > 1))
                                Pix = PrimaryColor;
                        else if ((((y - Top) == 1) || ((Bottom - y) == 1)) && (((x - Left) == 1) || ((Right - x) == 1)))
                            Pix = PrimaryColor;


                // Draw the centers of borders
                if (Amount4 && !IsLeft && !IsTop && (((y == (Top + H2) || y == (Bottom - H2)) && (x == (Left + 1) || x == (Right - 1))) || ((x == (Left + W2) || x == (Right - W2)) && (y == (Top + 1) || y == (Bottom - 1)))))
                    Pix = PrimaryColor;
            dst[x, y] = Pix;




ps: I took the same icon as original plugin, and copy some code from ego eram reputo and MadJik. If this is not allowed I'll delete what's needed.
ps2: I still don't quite understand how some functions works. I've seen a lot of



for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)

But the plugins only works within selected region, so why do that?
Also is there a similar function as selectionRegion.IsVisible(x,y) for segments or areas, because calling IsVisible for a lot pixel is very slow.


Edited by Ego Eram Reputo
Formatting. Re-uploaded zip to check file naming
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I took the same icon as original plugin, and copy some code from ego eram reputo and MadJik. If this is not allowed i'll delete what's needed.

It might have been worthwhile to create a new icon - but I have no special attachment to the one I used. Be my guest and use it and the code as you like.

Yes the IsVisible test is slow, and no it's not really necessary as each pixel, by definition, is inside the current selection.

I like your enhancements! For a first time this is a pretty impressive effort. Bravo!

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  • 7 years later...

That would require quite a rewrite. I'll put it on my list of things to do (which is looong ).

In the short term you might be better to tile a single cell created with the Shapes tool. Rick has added corner radius as an option to the rounded rectangle shape, an of course Shapes support line thickness.

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That would be nice. Actually I did use tiling and the rounded rectangle tool tool shape to create the above picture. Another feature that I like of this effect is that the cells can be created inside an irregular selection. I will be patient and wait. :) 

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  • 2 years later...
1 hour ago, evgenc said:

How to make cell size more than 255/255?


You could try using the 'Grid / Checkerboard' plugin instead; hopefully it fits your needs.



(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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The source is posted in the first post. You could edit the code an recompile it with CodeLab (it's not as hard as it sounds)


Here are the lines you need to edit:


int Amount1 = 12; // [2,255] Cell Width
int Amount2 = 12; // [2,255] Cell Height


In both lines, edit the value 255 and make it something larger to suit your needs. Like this:


int Amount1 = 12; // [2,3000] Cell Width
int Amount2 = 12; // [2,3000] Cell Height

^ This will make the maximum size 3000px.

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Yup. Sorry about that. The forum software is screwing up attached file names. 🤔


I've reloaded the file in the first post. It now downloads with the correct filename. 👍

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