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Select a circle

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Hello it seems to be impossible to properly select a circle with Paint.NET

Example I have an image with a beautifull round moon !

It is absoluteli imossible to get the right initial point to make the selection circle around tha moon !

At least can I select a circle with the same diameter near of the real bound !

So it would be nice to be able to move the selection area !

Any idea to do that ?

In the pas I was using Paint Shop Pro : it was very easy !

Thanks for any help

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Nothing is ever impossbile :D Unlikely & improbable maybe. I sense your frustration but I was always more frustrated with Paint Shop Pro :lol:

Have your tried:

1. Hold down the shift key as you make the selection? That makes a perfect circle or square for that matter.

2. The starting point is probably not that relevant as you can move the selection. I don't have a little icon to show you but if you look on your toolbar it is a white arrow with a + just below it. It should be right below the one that moves the selected pixels.

3. You can use the magic wand to select the moon or any shape. You may have to play with the tolerance & it does take some practice. I would not recommend moving the shapes on that layer as it leaves the tiniest outline which can be problematic to fix.

So hold down the shift key (sometimes the selection lags, at least my pc does, its slow). Then once you get it to a reasonable size, use the move selection to position the selection exactly where you want it.

I hope this has helped. Maybe someone else has another method?


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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Another common trick is to select everything outside the moon and then invert the selection with CTRL + I.

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