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HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS/General Plugin Troubleshooting Thread


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I think Mike is correct. go back and download from Kris the dll's

one thing to watch in Kris work after you unzip the file is to remember he is one that requires the extra dll

Vandermotten Paintdotnet.dll as well as those like vandermottendropshadow.dll etc. must be in your effects folder.

I also think his are one set you need to turn off paint.net and restart your computor.

ciao OMA

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I have been trying to unzip the boltbait pack and can't get it to work. After I have it downloaded, it asks "do you want to Open or Save this file" I click on "open" and then it shows all of the plugin icons (ex. feather.dll). On the left hand side of my screen it says "Folder Tasks" and underneath that it says "Extract all files" with a zipper folder. Below that it says "Other places" and shows the following folders "VOR8EJM8", "My Documents", "Shared Documents" and "My Network Places". I clicked on "Extract files" and it brings up an Extraction wizard. I go through the steps in the wizard and then it brings up an icon that says "windows cannot open this file" :cry: What am I doing wrong? :?

Thanks for your help.

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You may want to use winrars fantastic program for unzipping files.


Free download and unlimited use (atleast in my experience....)

Just right click the file and select one of the options for extraction that winrar adds.

Or, read this:




|- The Rules -|- çobblestones -|- CaMo -|- MeTaL -|


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Okay so I downloaded WinRar with no problems, however I still can't seem to open the plugins in the BoltBait pack. When I go to download Boltbait pack an icon pops up stating "Do you want to open or save this file". I clicke on "open" and it brings up all the different pluin icons in the pack in WinRAR. If I double click on an icon (for ex. feather.dll), it brings up all kinds of lettering on a notepad. When I right click on the icon it gives a list of options.....Select all, Add files to archive, Extract to specified folder, view file, test archive files,etc....Am I even in the right place and what do I choose?

I tried extracting the file to Local Disk C, the to Program files folder, to Paint.NET and into my Effects folder. When I go to opent the Effects folder it brings up all the plugins (feather.dll,colorbalance.dll,etc.). When I right click to open one of them, such as feaether.dll, it brings up a box with options: Open with(notepad, internet explorer, or choose program). It also show options to Add to Archive, Add to Feather.rar, compress and email,etc...

Do you have any idea what I need to do or am doing wrong? Maybe I'm just an idiot? :) Do you think I should purchase a program such as Photoshop? Would that be easier to try to copy & paste an image onto another and make it look realistic?

Thanks for all your help.....you've been GREAT! :D

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Greetings Datruel3gend.

To better help you, I'm going to fire a few questions at you. Please don't think I'm being rude.

Have you unzipped the DLLs? Are the ZIPs unblocked? Have you restarted Paint.NET since installation? Are there supposed to be additional DLLs installed as well, such as pyrochild's effects.common.dll or Ed Harvey's edfects.common.dll?

I hope something above will help you out.

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In addition to Myrddin's questions, I'm going to ask three more. Please move on to these if you can answer all of his in the affirmative (except his last one):

Are they FileType plugins? Are you looking in the Adjustments menu, as several plugins make their appearance there? Have you looked in all of the submenus (Render, Blur, etc)?

As Myrddin said, I hope you don't think I'm being rude. :-)


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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I think this is a good Idea, Rick may not, but in this section there should be a stickied or at least a thread for installing plugins, there are a bunch in general discussion, and it should be covered here, if the creator didn't give instructions.

Download the file, I personally save to desktop, then extract, move the extracted file to my desktop, then close the windows.

Go to My Computer, then find C Local Disk

Find Program files, and find Paint.NET, and find effects, place the .dll file in there, if it is a font, find filetypes in the paint.NET folder.

If you have paint.net open while you install it, close it and open it again to access it.

So I'm very new at this and thought this was very helpful. However. I get stuck at the part where it says place the .dll file in there. How is it you can place it in there? Where do you go to?


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Umm I set my pc up with dual partition and downloaded paint.net into E: instead of the classic c:. I don't have an effects folder...as a matter of fact all my dll. files are in one folder of and in itself. So with no "effects folder"...how do I get a paint to recognize the dll file i downloaded? I put it in the same folder with the rest of the dll's, no luck. I even tried creating my own effects folder, no luck. What am I missing? Thanks in advance - 7

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A-HA!! Apparently my cleaner program "Glary Utilities* deleted the mysteriously missing **EFFECTS folder** ( And here I was thinking ALL OF YOU were crazy in the head saying that it existed. I apologize for the doubt. ) Since I hadn't added any plug-ins it was considered an empty folder and disposed of (just as I had asked it too o.O) So I re installed the software only to encounter another problem ERR. With a little forum search I found another great post by the brewster himself...http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=243&highlight=spooky. Everything is running as it should AND I have my slam damn AWESOME effects folder.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings Hugo.

To better help you, I'm going to fire a few questions at you. Please don't think I'm being rude.

Have you unzipped the DLLs? Are the ZIPs unblocked? Have you restarted Paint.NET since installation? Are there supposed to be additional DLLs installed as well, such as pyrochild's effects.common.dll or Ed Harvey's edfects.common.dll? Are they FileType plugins? Are you looking in the Adjustments menu, as several plugins make their appearance there? Have you looked in all of the submenus (Render, Blur, etc.)?

I hope something above will help you out.

N.B. Courtesy goes to david.atwell for the latter three questions.

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Greetings Hugo.

To better help you, I'm going to fire a few questions at you. Please don't think I'm being rude.

Have you unzipped the DLLs? Are the ZIPs unblocked? Have you restarted Paint.NET since installation? Are there supposed to be additional DLLs installed as well, such as pyrochild's effects.common.dll or Ed Harvey's edfects.common.dll? Are they FileType plugins? Are you looking in the Adjustments menu, as several plugins make their appearance there? Have you looked in all of the submenus (Render, Blur, etc.)?

I hope something above will help you out.

N.B. Courtesy goes to david.atwell for the latter three questions.

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I did find it after thanks and yes I did copy the DLL to various folders.....

what I do not know is which method help me to add to the sub menu options. I used the link from the posted about installing which did not work then I used a link from the Brown Guy. then is showed up as the first option on the sub menu and also under Object.

Literally spent 5 hrs going back and fro....LOL at the end I got it.

once again thanks for your response

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I did find it after thanks and yes I did copy the DLL to various folders.....

what I do not know is which method help me to add to the sub menu options. I used the link from the posted about installing which did not work then I used a link from the Brown Guy. then is showed up as the first option on the sub menu and also under Object.

Literally spent 5 hrs going back and fro....LOL at the end I got it.

once again thanks for your response

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