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Newbie.. need help w. cropping, vignettes & selection tools.

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Hi, I'm new to Paint.net. For like a month now I have spent countless hours researching the web for the best photo editing software for me.

I have recently gotten married and the photographer did a crappy job on my photos i.e. bad lighting, objects that should not be in the picture, etc. So I have work to do.

I have finally decided to give paint.net a real try after trying several programs such as PS4, PSE, Paint Shop Pro, Gimp, Picasa, etc.

However, I still find problems with this one. For one, the cropping icon is not active, can I not crop? If so, how does one go about it? Also, the selection tools availabe don't seem to do the trick for me. I have one pic taken in the church of my brother walking me up the aisle, and I'd like to cut out just me and my brother and working with layers, blur the background or something, but I the magic wand does not work for me and neither do the other selection tools. Are there additional plugins I can find & install that are more user-friendly and precise? And also for vignettes, I only found one vignette plugin and it does not work very well, plus there is no preview as you work with the tool etc.

So I'm at a loss and need help, or I'm about to go crazy!! lol.. I got married August 22nd, and still trying to find the best way possible to make my wedding pictures nicer so I can send them out for printing.

Thanks in advance to all the kind souls who'll take pity on me and rescue me LOL

Rachel from Canada

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Here is the link to the Help file.



Cropping is to selection, so make a selection first

and the crop function should then be active.


You can make vignettes by filling a new layer with black, select in the middle,

delete, Gaussian blur.

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...For one, the cropping icon is not active, can I not crop? If so, how does one go about it?

Select the area you wish to crop to using one of the selection tools :EllipseSelectTool::RectangleSelectTool: .

Press Ctrl+Shift+x to crop to the selection.

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  • 6 months later...

@alee0325: It's old, old, old. Please read rule # 11 in The Rules


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