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Text fillstyle

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I would like to add text with no filling.

Like, you have a white background and white letters, but the edge of these letters are black.

Just the same as a rectangle, but then with letters.

Is this already possible and if so how? I can not seem to find this fillstyle.


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Thanks Trickman! That is exactly what I need.

But it is a lot of steps to accomplish this.

I know one of the image editors you have to pay for can do it just like choosing a textfill.

I hope it will be included in a next release of paint.net.

For now I will use guide.

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If you want to fill it with a texture it is actually quite easy.

Here is how it is done.

You need the photoflood fill plugin.

Erase all of your background, I always do this.

Create a new layer, Photo flood fill it with your texture.

Make a new layer on top of that.

Paint bucket the entire thing to be black or green or a dark color, make sure it is NOTHING that is in your texture.

Then Pick a light color and put your text in.

With Magic wand, Select ONE letter, and hold down shift to select all of the letters....Select eraser, and make it bigger, make some swipes over the letters so they are erased, and take the textures fill.

Then Flatten the image.

Ctrl + Shift + F

Then take magic wand again, and select the contrasting color outlining the letters, and filling in the background all around it.

Erase that all, and make sure to press Shift when you do it, in case you have letters like Q and R that have holes in them so to speak, then erase those.

Save the image as PNG and then in your image you want it on, paste it into a new layer.

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