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Pixelated Rotate/Zoom

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Hi, I'm new to the forums, you can probably tell or maybe not. I've been using Paint.NET for about a year now and finally decided I should check out some of the plug-ins. I've reviewed over most of the plug-ins for Paint.NET and almost all of them are cool and help me out a lot. But there's been one that's been bugging me for a while, I even searched Google for it.

Is there no way to Rotate/Zoom something that is not at the angle of 0, 90, 180, and 270 and remain pixelated with without the smooth effect? I really would appreciate it if someone could show me how to do this, or point me in the direction of a plug-in I might have missed, or if you got the skill and the time, to make one yourself.

Thanks a lot in advance.

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If you are using the "Move Selected Pixels" toll, make your you have the quality set to "Smooth". This will allow to to make non-stepped rotations of you selection while retaining most of the image quality. The other option is to move your selection to a new layer and use the Layers > Rotate/Zoom function (Ctrl+Shift+Z).




Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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Thanks for your reply, but I'm not sure if you see what I'm trying to do. I'll show you in pictures what's happening.

First I make a pixelated cross


And it's set to pixelated, cause I want it to remain pixelated and not to smooth out.

But when I try to rotate it to a certain angle.


It gets all fuzzy. Now I know I could draw that same cross at that same angle without smooth anti-aliasing. I'm just looking for a way to rotate with aliasing.

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Why're you using Rotate/Zoom? Just use the Move Selected Pixels tool. Right-click drag to rotate, and it'll do the pixelation you want if you use the toolbar dropdown that barkbark00 mentioned. And hold shift to constrain it to an angle that's an even multiple of 15.

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Why're you using Rotate/Zoom? Just use the Move Selected Pixels tool. Right-click drag to rotate, and it'll do the pixelation you want if you use the toolbar dropdown that barkbark00 mentioned. And hold shift to constrain it to an angle that's an even multiple of 15.

Thank you Rick! I didn't know about the right-click option *bangs head* I guess that's what I get for not reading tutorials. Paint.NET now does everything I want it to, and I love it!

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