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Inteeligent scissor?

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I did not understand enything of that! And it looked like a waste, what i'm asking if this program have an scissor, a tool, so you can cut out things out easely, if not, this program disapoint me, i thought this program was easy to use, but it's MUCH harder than gimp if you have to do it like that...

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If you wanna make life easy, but inaccurate for yourself, then you can use multiple selections of the magic wand tool (keep Ctrl pressed while making selections). You should vary tolerance to get some ok'ish results. Using the method that Nab provided, would yield accurate and AA results ( :AntiAliasingOn: not :AntiAliasingOff: ), though it requires a bit of work.

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I'm no devil in programming, but seriously if someone around is, a scissor tool would make this program much better!

@Nab: Well it maybe will become easy, but it will still take half an hour vs. 2 minutes with gimp...

EDIT: Funny thing, you don't aswer me, you just say the same things over and over...

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I'm not trying to be hostile here Viking.

Plugins aren't possible for tools in Paint.NET, it would have to be implemented differently such as some of Simon or pyrochild's plugins. Since Simon is the one who suggested you write it yourself, it's reasonable to say this would be an extremely difficult feat.

Like I've already said, and you've pointed out, use the program - actually learn some of it - you will see it is really extremely easy to do what you are asking for.

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

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"moan moan moan whinge" even when people are taking the time to try and help you. :roll:

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