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Splicit Gallery (new smallpaper & new signature)


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Here's a random tip for your current avatar. Use Transparency! If you get rid the white square, leave the text, and save as PNG or PDN you'll have just the text floating over the PDN forum background. Looks much nicer. I like your stuff. You current sig is really neat. I now have the urge to try and copy it.


- Any thoughts? -

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Here's a random tip for your current avatar. Use Transparency! If you get rid the white square, leave the text, and save as PNG or PDN you'll have just the text floating over the PDN forum background. Looks much nicer. I like your stuff. You current sig is really neat. I now have the urge to try and copy it.

I did use transparency, i dont know why it didnt work, i'll try it again later, but thanks. And good luck at trying to do my sig. :)

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Hey Splicit,

You have some very nice works here.

My favourite one is the MEMO one. Simple style & the button is well done.

You have the makings of a very good artist. The Philosophy one is also excellent.

Only critique is the size of some of the pictures. I cannot see all of it & have to side scroll which means I do not get the full impact of your image. 600 x 800 or thereabouts is really good for posting to the forum. Clickable thumbnails are the way to go. They keep your gallery clean & clear.

Nabster has given you some very good pointers.

I followed an example from another artist & organised it with title bars & clickable thumbs. Another artist explained how to edit the photobucket URL so that it goes straight to the image without all the messing around with the albums.

Pop over & look at Goonfella, WelshBlue or even my gallery to get an idea of what can be done with organising.

Your work has a lot of potential & clever organisation will show it off to the best possible advantage.

Looking forward to seeing more from you.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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@ barbieq25

Hey ;)

I thank you for your compliments and critique, I will work at it.. :)

I know thumbnails would be better for my wallpapers.

I will remind your tips! :)

Really thanks for the time you took to help me.

By the way; I really like your sig. :)


Yes I like the orange one, too. I love the tool 'Dent'.

@ henrygrik

Thank you!

I see you are new. I would like to see some work of you too!

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