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Icons from 3.36

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3.5 is great, expesially in performance gain. But icons...

I'm a huge fan of 3.36 icons and acctually new icons make me feel bad. Is there a way to switch interface to old icon set, like we can switch languages? Maybe I just need to replace some *.dll file from 3.36 pack to 3.5 installation or just to chage some settings somewhere?


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For 3 hours my eye could not used to the new look of 3.5. And even I do appriciate new features "in engine", I switched back to 3.36. Sorry.

I've been seeing the look of Paint.NET 3.36 every day for 2-3 hours for many months and in order to change this visual habbit my brain has to made a huge amout of work, but I do not have mental enenergy of such an emotion impulse to fulfill this visual habbit change. New features give much less positive emotional energy, than the new look generates negative emotions.

The last, but not the least. Designer is a creative job, and when I feel negative emotions, when I feel pain in changing my visual habbit I produce worse pictures or even could not produce anything, cause my imagination refuses to think, to create, to work, when I feel hurt every time I look at new icons.

I only have to pray, that there is some coder, which feel the same and think up some way to replace some resource file with the old icon set.

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That's excellent, but new icons shouldn't make you cry or anything. It's just a visual update, and I rather like it. Downgrading to 3.36 is completely your choice, but I think you'll get used to 3.5 if you give it time.

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I think you'll get used to 3.5 if you give it time.

I treat my habbits as investment, time investment, first of all.

As a user I think it's just unfair to trash my visual habbits.

Anyway, paint.net is free and we have no right to claim for anything.


So, I think, it's better to forget the matter.

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Hey, be glad you don't use Photoshop. The user interface changes fairly considerably just about every time a new version is released.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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