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Organize Effects Plug-In Please?

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After downloading over 100 effects and the good stuff that everybody loves and makes the program as great as it is, my effects tab has overflowed in a mess of effects. If anyone could make a plugin to allow you to custmize your effects tab and also allow you to create new sub-menus to re-organize your effects list manually that would be great if possible.

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Unfortunately (or mabye not) plugins can't re-arrange Paint.NET's UI. It's up to Rick (the lead developer) to change the UI. And it doesn't look like you'll get that soon as the newest beta doesn't have any new effect menu system.

My advice to you though is chuck every one you don't need. Look under Render and Distort, there you'll find the most scarcely usable and outdated effects. 100 plugins? I use about 10 regularly. Just put the ones you wont use in another folder in case you ever need them. It will also make PDN load-times faster.

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Many plugin developers release their source code for their plugins; if you spent a little time learning the programming language, you could tweak the ones that are open-source and put them into different subcategories yourself.

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