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I recently created a group on facebook and upload an image but the image shrinks automatically and has bad quality on facebook. Any one familiar with this? It's a ridiculous curve ball to what I've been working on. Anyone familiar with this nonsense with any advice?


Are you sure you aren't looking at the thumbnail?

If not, my suggestion is to find out the size Facebook resizes your image to and resize it to that in Paint.NET and then perform the necessary adjustments. Also, make sure you save as PNG to maintain full quality.


Host the picture somewhere else then.

Probably does the same thing the latest Windows Live Messenger does ... even if you try to share a pristine PNG, it JPEG-ifies it so that download sizes are "more manageable." :roll:

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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If I read this right, what is happening is that the image is exactly what is wanted but the canvas size is much larger than necessary. If this is what the problem is, the solution would be to select a smaller area around the image and crop to selection.


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