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Posted (edited)

Hi ,

Perspective Effect was completed!

The perspective effect of this plugin is the same as it of photoshop as far as I tested this plugin .

Of course you can use the conventional trapezoid transformation, too.

If you find bug , please tell me.

I will add this version to a set pack two weeks later.






transform to perspective or trapezoid by three adjustment.

scale 0.01-16.0

Vertical/Horizontal and Perspective/Trapezoid


select vertical or horizontal.


Example of Vertical:Normal how to use


Example of Horizontal:


Linked Ratio1 and Ratio2

Ratio2 is ignored.

High Quality

Please uncheck if you feels work is slow. Please check it after finishing resize.


This is made by "Code Lab".

Thank you , BoltBait.

ver2.0 add perspective transform (03/05/'10)

ver1.1 take Antialiasing(02/16/'10)

ver beta only trapezoid transform (09/16/'09)

Edited by dpy

Very nice, you made a resizing algorithm and you managed to apply it, a thing I still have on my To-Do list. :lol:


History repeats itself, because nobody was paying attention the first time.


Think of the effect as squashing or stretching the height or width of the image.

See the first image posted? The buildings look like they're leaning inwards at the top. The second image has corrected this by stretching the top of the image slightly.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have some of your effects now and love them, gonna try this one as well

don't worry about your bad english, guess with your contribution to our creativity we all forgive you :D


This is great dpy, thanks!

It seems like you could add a real skew effect as well, thanks to the difference between "perspective" and "dpy perspective" that you mentioned above. That would be fantastic. There's already an effect that does this (called "octagonal/quad reshape/matte"), but it can be tricky to get the shape right every time. I always have to load up Paint when I need to do it.

Segment Image : Average Color (HSL) : Eigen Blur : []

Cool, new forum!


Oh yeah - following that PSD TUT from a while ago- hah

This plugin is made for it :P

I always wanted to try that one out - I like your result :)

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the Perspective (Beta) I've been looking for that distortion since I installed Paint.NET.

Although I would prefer a graphic interface where the corners of a bounding box are moved to effectuate the perspective distortion I realize that such a plugin is an entirely different (and more difficult) development.

This works just great!

I do have corrections to the language and some other suggestions if you would like, (see image)33303_3c5767a2f2a09aade3c6c419d8cc6a8c

Thanks again!




Lance and gregors

Thank you for suggestions.

I'd like to do so , but I can't do , because I'm Beginner of programing.

About anti-aliasing

pyjo's Basic Antialiasis so good.

When I was creating Perspective Effect , I tried to add it .

but , I could not work it :oops:

About UI

All my plugins were created by code Lab.

To change UI , I must study Visual C# .But I have no time to study it now. :oops:

However ,  I'd like to do update , someday :D


@dpy: anti-aliasing is controlled blurring, and blurring is quite easy, it's mixing colours. So an average blur with a radius of 1 might look something like this:

CurrentPixel.R=(src[x+1,y+1].R+src[x,y+1].R+src[x-1,y+1].R+src[x+1,y].R+src[x,y].R+src[x-1,y].R+src[x+1,y-1].R+src[x,y-1].R+src[x-1,y-1].R)/9; //repeat for Green, Blue and Alpha

A more complicated blur would consider pixel further away as less important, so a your CurrentPixel would have less information from src[x+5,y+5] then src[x+1,y]. For a more controlled blur you could use the alpha value to search for edges, for example:

if (Math.Abs(src[x,y]-src[x-1,y])>100) //Math.Abs() is a method to make sure your value is positive, it convert negative numbers to positive numbers, which in this case comes in handy.
//Blur code


History repeats itself, because nobody was paying attention the first time.


Thanks, I would be honoured. I already have a simple blur working so I guess this should be do-able.


History repeats itself, because nobody was paying attention the first time.

  • 1 month later...

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