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Concrete Texture tutorial


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I redid the tut but used plain black and white image background and it made my image way more interesting.

And of course I tried it on a few other blah pictures and I think they all looked better for it.



Thanks for the tut.


Edit: Re-posted image.

Edited by doughty




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  • 2 weeks later...

A great tutorial and also useful for creating a chrome texture too boltbait.smile.png


It's funny what this invokes in my mind. My dad used to work for our newspaper and years ago when I was just a little tike he would often go in on Friday nights to do some advertisement work for the Saturday paper. Anyways, periodically my mom would take one of us (children) w/her to go pick him up after work. Often times we were there a good while before he would quit for the night so I was able to see some of what was going on there. Back in those days the ads that my dad worked on weren't done by computer. He'd give his work to another gentleman who would type out the stuff on a machine that made the lead typset. Anyways, the letters in your pic, even though they aren't connected as though created as a single piece, remind me of those pieces that came out of the machine: clean and pristine w/o any ink applied to them yet.

In case you're curious, here's a pic of the type of machine that was used:


Anyways, I like your piece, and "thanks for the memories!"

Edited by jim100361
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I have tried to do this tutorial but the displacement plugin doesn't look or behave at all like you say it does so I have hit a wall (pardon the pun). I also have a couple other comments.

1.The other two adjustments do not in fact come built in to Paint.Net v3.5.10 because I had to go looking for them.

2. Also you have no screen shots of the work in progress so we have no idea what each step is supposed to look like.

I know it has been a while since you last updated this but I would really appreciate a response.

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Addendum to my earlier comment, the alpha-displacement effect is actually in the effects root menu, not under distortions and is still different to your screen shots but is at least close enough for me to figure it out.

I used pyrochild's amazing gradient mapping plugin instead of solarize and black and white.

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Chad doesn't come here any more, sadly. I think he did this in an earlier version but I am sure that it worked for me. Maybe I did it with the earlier version too but once done I have kept it to use as the basis for many other effects. Also saved copies in more than one location in case I lose one or save over the top of it.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

You're right, it's not a built in effect but a plugin.  You'll find it in this plugin pack Ed Harvey's Effects.


Updated the tutorial to link to the plugins :)

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  • 8 months later...

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