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Are there any plugins for emulating different types of film?

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There is also Simon's Film Noir plugin and Olden plugin

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Thanks for the information everyone. I had overlooked the Film Noir plugin and happily added it to my effects folder (it would be awesome if it allowed for fine-tuning).

The Cross-Processing tutorial is also great, though in truth what I was hoping for was a plugin that would either automate the steps or present it in a slider-friendly format. I'm one of those people who is mystified by curves (i.e. I'm more likely to achieve something by chance, rather than informed adjustment) so I tend to leave them be. But better to have a tutorial than nothing at all. I'll keep on experimenting. ^_^

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My question is if there exists PDN plugins that emulate specific types of still films (Kodak Technical Pan, Ektachrome, Velvia, etc.)

It's funny that you put Kodak Technical Pan in the list because this film's characteristics are greatly dependent on the developing used. See http://www.kodak.com/global/en/professi ... 5/p255.pdf

Also, it's generally a positive print made from the negative Technical Pan film which one looks at, so the final tonality is a combination of two emulsions'.

Finally, Technical Pan will in general be taking its picture of real world. The digital picture you're starting with has already interpreted the real world, and reinterpretation isn't always possible. For example, Technical Pan film is very sensitive to deep red wavelengths. Things with those wavelengths will photograph as if lighter than they would on normal panchromatic film. Those same wavelengths are mostly filtered out from digital cameras.

All this said, you can accomplish excellent tonal emulations of printed Technical Pan using Adjustments>Curves. (Paint.NET's control is actually better than Photoshop's which is limited to sixteen control points.) If you are starting with a color image you would first make saturation=0 in Adjustements>Hue/Saturation. You can either do it by eye or else you can find the characteristic curve of interest for the Technical Pan, compose it with the characteristic curve of interest for the photographic paper, and then convert from the log scales (of silver-halide photography) to the linear scales of Adjustments>Curves.

I computed 16 control points for Adjustments>Curves in order to emulate Kodak Ektachrome, and it largely worked. Some aspects of Ektachrome's color are missed (and as explained, some can't be emulated). But the very important toe and shoulder aspects of Ektachrome are achieved.

Your best tool is in Adjustments>Curves. It's worth 16 or more "sliders" and there's no mystery about what it does.

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