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Layers To Make Object Stand Out ib B&W Pix

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I was following instructions to make two people stand out in a black & white picture. The instructions were to open an image and in Layers, make a Duplicate layer. Then in Adjustments use Color Balance to make the desired people stand out, then erase all of that added color on the new layer except on the two people I want to standout. Then merge the layers. When I tried that I could not erase the unwanted color on the added layer. The eraser would not work at all. Where did I go wrong?

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Thank you. That is close. That tutorial shows how to change the background of a color photo so that the portion of the photo that remains color stands out. But I have a black & white photo. I am trying to add some color (tint?) to the B&W photo in a layer and then erase the color from all except the two people before merging the layers. So that the "tinted" two people would stand out from the original B&W background. I thought I saw a tutorial like that earlier, but cannot find it now and, obviously, the notes that I took are missing something.

Should I be able to erase parts of a duplicate lyer?

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As Ash said, you need to cut out the people. Then, unless you have a faster method, they must be manually coloured.

Depending on how comles the subject is, and how complete you want to colour it, the process can take anywhere from 45 minutes to several hours/ days.

Once it's all been coloured, I suggest BoltBait's feather plug in to blend the edges, or give the whole thing a 1 gaussian blur.

I'm guessing you want to achieve an effect similar to this:


But with the entire person coloured.

Trust me, it will take a while as I mentioned, but the result is worth it.

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Ash, thank you. I did search "cutting out image," but it is still fuzzy to me.

RHoward, you did a fantastic job of coloring that photo. Anyone would be pleased to be able to produce that. But my goal is more modest. I would be happy just tinting the entire person or object that I want to stand out in a B&W photo. At this point I am having more of a problem understanding exactly what to do as far as layers are concerned.

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Duh ...

1. Where do I find the "pen" tool mentioned in the tutorial?

2. After outlining the perimeter of the desired object (with the pencil tool), the magic wand selects only parts of the outlined objects, depending on the Tolerance setting. I could not get it to select all of the desired object. And, when the Tolerance was set high, it selected more than the desired object.

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Somehow I have managed to lose part of the Tool Bar. There is no place showing "Tolerance" now. That entire strip of what should be a tool bar is now an empty white strip. Now, when I outline an object and try to select it with the magic wand tool, each click of the mouse changes the size of the photo rather than select the object. What do I need to do?

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Sorry, I thought that my question was a continuation of that thread. I will gladly post my question in the correct place. I just do not know where that place is. What is the "correct section" of the forum for posting my question about the magic wand tool?

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Thank you! Sorry to say that I did not realize your post before last was an answer. I thought it was all telling me that I was posting my second question in the wrong place. After rereading your post I now understand that you were telling me that I was clicking on the wrong icon, and you were absolutely correct. I was. That gives a good indication of my skill level.

So, now using the pencil tool and the magic wand, I get to the point where I have an object outlined to color/tint and cut out but have not yet ended up with the colored oject merged back into the original background. Is there a basic tutorial on layers for slow learners?

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