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Forum suggestion: Shoutbox

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I think a shoutbox could be useful. Few people installed Simon's GM script, so that didn't work, and the dA chat is too far away.

I agree and IMO adding a shoutbox could revive the chat that used to be active as well as prevent other threads from being used as chatrooms.

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[reason]How to add a shoutbox without installing mods.[/reason]

1. Choose a chat script/site that can be embedded in HTML, create a new room and copy the code, or embed the PDN chatroll room.

2. Use the code from step 1 to create a new BBCode and give the tag a long name to prevent it being embedded in posts and sigs.

3. Create a new "link" forum in the "off-topic" category that links back to the index page or the chatroom page and use the new BBCode tag in its description.

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I use www.getgsc.com a lot. I dont know if this would help but its a suggestion. there is no cost, there is some embedding options, it has many options for chat, oh plus it has the option to trick out skins, hmmmm a challenge for paint user to try their skills, good support, geared towards gamer but yet still a very universal program could be very professional formatted. This could be a very good partnering, though I dont know of a chat program that has the options for customizing

just a suggestion or another avenue to travel...........

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Lolz. I'ma founder there. ^

I think a shoutbox would bring more traffic than an off site chatroom like DeviantART, but the potential for spam or just plain obnoxiousness is greater. I think it's really up to the mods and what they're willing to put up with.

My vote, however, is yea. This could head off stupid questions before they get put into a thread.

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and, in the case of rudeness or foul language in the chatbox, we could printscreen then send it off to the mods (just for proof, of course)


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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its called the rules, mate. theyre there for a reason, and we're not supposed to break em. if you cant handle the rules, then thats your decision.


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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I think you should try GSC...it has all of the options your looking for. a lot of tiered admin controls, channel admins, private rooms, password protected, customized skins...ban/uban, auto logging.etc.... I know i am pushing for this, but I dont think you would be disappointed with it.

I give one free internets to you!

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