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The definitive and free resource for locating plugins. Updated monthly.

Written and maintained by SodiumEnglish and Ego Eram Reputo

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Ego Eram Reputo! Thank you for the sharing and your work. tch5lrvq.gif

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.




  • 4 weeks later...

August update

Four new plugins including a couple of new filetypes.

HSV Scrambler - @MJW. Change the Hue, Saturation, and Value of each pixel by allowing any of the components to be derived from a scaled and offset version of any of the other components. See post #11 for PDN3.5 version.
RAW FileType - @null54. This is a DCRaw-based raw filetype. Uses the latest incarnation of DCRaw.
TR's Portrait Retoucher - @TechnoRobbo. Reduce photo blemishes, wrinkles and lines by smoothing out the subject.
ZIP Archive FileType - @Martin Osieka. Loads/saves the contents of a Paint.NET document (layers and metadata) from/to a compressed ZIP Archive. Each layer becomes a separate file in the archive. Several formats for the layer files are supported: PNG, BMP, GIF, and JPEG. Additionally a thumbnail and a composite image can be stored in the archive.

  • Upvote 4
  • 5 weeks later...

September Update

Gosh there were a lot of new plugins this month! Enjoy :D

Blur Fill - @toe_head2001. Fills transparent areas of the canvas with a scaled copy of an object within the layer. The height vs width ratio is fixed.

BoltBait's Plugin Pack for v4.0.6+ - @BoltBait. Effects: Color Balance, Hue/Saturation+, Transparency, Flip (Horizontal or Vertical), Dream, Pastel, Gaussian Blur Plus, Fill from Clipboard, Fill from File, Bevel Object, Feather, OldFeather, Inner Shadow, Object Shadow, Outline, Paste Alpha, Switch Alpha to Gray, Switch Gray to Alpha, Combined Adjustments, Level Horizon, Remove Dust, Sharpen Landscape, Vignette+, Polygon/Stars, Flames, Gradients, Gird/Checkerboard, Bevel Selection, Blur Selection Edge, Feather Selection, Inner Shadow Selection, Outline Selection, Floyd-Steinberg Dithering. One palette file included.

Droste - @toe_head2001. Based on the unpublished Droste plugin by @PJayTycy. The Droste effect describes a type of recursive picture where the image contains smaller examples of itself tiled in a logarithmic spiral.

FFT / IFFT (Fast Fourier Transform) - @ArgusMagnus. A plugin pack of four effects related to Fast Fourier Transformations.

Object Shadow - @BoltBait. Drop shadow effect for objects. For a code walk-through see How to Write an Effect Plugin (Part 7 - Extra Surface)

Pie Chart - @toe_head2001. PDN4 compatible update of Evan Olds' original Pie Chart plugin (see Evan's Effects)

Point Warp / Engorged Smudge for PDN4 - @toe_head2001. A recompilation of 's plugin of the same name in order to make it compatible with 4.0x. The effect warps the layer about a single point with options to control the strength, radius and direction as well as the point location.

Reverse Blend - @ArgusMagnus. Reverses "Normal" blending using a selection and a specified color (Primary, Average or Dominant color) to create a new image. Each pixel has the minimum Alpha value which recreates the original image under "normal" blending with the specified color.

ShapeMaker - . ShapeMaker is a tool which uses a WYSIWYG interface to allow the creation of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Shapes, Lines and Curves. paint.net Shapes can be created and manipulated using just the mouse. Extensive documentation in two PDF files supplied in the download. The Dwarf Horde are @TechnoRobbo, @Red ochre, @Ego Eram Reputo and @BoltBait.

Text Window - @toe_head2001. Renders a string of text to the layer or selection. String can be repeated, offset & a specific font specified. For PDN 3.5 version see post #3 in the thread.

TR's Dodge and Burn - @TechnoRobbo. A photo retouching tool which allows the application of effects via custom brushes. Effects included: Dodge, Burn, blur, sharpen, saturate, desaturate, contrast, rotate hue, color blend & luminosity. Many other photography type options.

TR's KeyFrame - @TechnoRobbo. An animation tool. Create a path for an object then generate frames to animate the image as if it were moving along the path.

TR's Quick outliner - @TechnoRobbo. Outline and/or fill a selection with colors from the color wheels. Outline thickness and softness options.

Zoom Blur Deluxe for PDN4 - @null54. Updated version of Zoom Blur Deluxe. The effect applies a blur which increases in magnitude as the distance increases away from the specified center point.

  • Upvote 5
  • 4 weeks later...

October Update

A quiet month, with three new effects and a compilation pack. Enjoy!

ArgusMagnus' Plugin Pack - @ArgusMagnus. Links to ArgusMagnus' plugins: Reverse Blend, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT/IFFT), High/Low/Band Pass Filter, Convolution Filter and Edge Detection.

Convolution Filter - @ArgusMagnus. Apply a variable sized convolution filter to a selection or layer. Includes ability to save and load customized filters (click on Presets).

Edge Detection - @ArgusMagnus. Use an edge detection algorithm to find and render edges with given colors. Other pixels are set to transparent. Copy both dll's into the \Effects\ folder.

Eliminate Dark/Light - @ReMake. Remove dark or light areas from an image or selection. Very simple interface. A revision of Eliminate Black and Eliminate White plugins by the same author. Source available.

  • Upvote 3

Ok, just know, I'm working very hard at being MORE responsible with READING A LOT MORE CONTENT on this forum than I use to do.


First of all, those of you who worked on and made this 2015 Plugin pdf file, and all related to it, I know it was time consuming but this is so wonderful and organized. So, thank you very much.


In reading through it, as it is VERY HELPFUL, I'm also doing my best to try to help myself resolve issues, best as I can before posting confusion issues.


I'm on the latest version of PDN,

I actually used that gear icon in the top right corner and, even though I'm nowhere near a programmer or techie person, I did click on some icons that previously looked like it was 'none-of-my-business-stuff'.  I clicked on the PLUGIN ERRORS button at the left bottom of that box that appears when one clicks on the very cool gear icon of the top right in PDN. After it practically over heated before compiling its listing, it gave me 23 .dll files with errors. In clicking on each .dll file that appears, below will appear a lot of techie stuff, which I'm trying to figure out, as some of it is straight forward and some, while seemingly confusing to me near the very bottom can give more insight, vaguely. Anyway, when certain .dll files on that PLUGIN ERROR LISTING, which clicking on it, say the file is no longer compatable, I guess we can just delete it? That seems logical enough but the confusion with me is that the name of the .dll file listed in the PLUGIN ERROR diagnotic pop up box used when PDN is open, after clicking on that gear icon, is SLIGHTLY different than the actual .dll file in my EFFECTS directory when I go in there to, perhaps, delete a no longer compatable file.  This is where I'm not EXACTLY sure if I am to delete certain files.


For example, the first PLUGIN ERROR .dll file showing, of those 23, is "CurtisBlack.Common.dll" and below it after I click on it, the box below reveals I guess where it was found (C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\CurtisBlack.Common.dll, version 1.0.3736.39220) and the version number, and down in that lengthy content given gives me clues that it is incompatiable, with words and phrases like, "could not load....does not have implementation". That seems straight forward enough.


So, I go to my extremely helpful 2015 pdf Plugin Guide that is more detailed about all plugins and exactly where it should be, I look it up using the search feature and entering the plugin name, find it and see it has a number of effects, where it should go and that it is not compatable with the newest version. Ok, we're moving right along. Everything seems so much more organized and efficient. Now I go to my PDN file folder in my programs directory. I go INTO Paint.net files, I go into my yellow EFFECTS folder, I start looking for that exact .dll file, because the PLUGIN ERROR gave the name of it and the handy .pdf beautiful 2015 Plugin booklet says the same .dll file name BUT----in my EFFECTS file it doesn't even have a .dll extension showing. All I have in there is a file that clearly is having to do with it but all the file says is "CurtisBlack.Common.1" nothing else, no VERSION number when the mouse hovers over it, not even an extension that says ".dll". In fact, "CurtisBlack.Effects.1" and "CurtisBlack.Resources.1", also. So, a total of 3 files using the name of "CurtisBlack" and not ending in .dll, only the number 1. Those other two files, the latter two, are not showing up on my PLUGIN ERROR directory specifically, as being a problem of anykind.


I don't like assuming anything where this techie stuff is concerned. Why can't the names be identically the same on some of these .dll files or say that they won't USUALLY have a .dll ending, but a number instead.


All of this was to ask if I should just ASSUME the CurtisBlack.Common.dll file is the exact file named "CurtisBlack.Common.1" in my directory and therefore DELETE IT? Naturually, I see no other file in my EFFECTS directory that EXACTLY matches CurtisBlack.Common.dll and I'm not going to just ASSUME anything regarding some of this stuff. Not around this joint and not regarding internal program files.


Delete any DLL you find under Settings > Plugin Errors or in this list http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27661-incompatible-plugins-an-incomplete-list-updated-for-405284/

Assume that CurtisBlack.Common.1 is a duplicate and delete that too.


Keep deleting the problem files until you have zero plugin errors.

  • 2 weeks later...

I am really confuse here how do I know if I can install Pack for example


for example:


I am using the latest version of Paint.Net 4.0.6


I want to know how I will be able to be 100% sure that the Pack work with the latest version and no bugs or crush will happen

That plugin pack has been updated since the release of Paint.NET 4.0, so it should work, but the only way to be 100% sure that the pack works with the latest version is to test it.  Since many people have downloaded it since its update and no major issues have been reported, I think you'll probably be fine.


And there is a 100% probability that there will be bugs, as no software is perfect.  But if you save often, you should be fine.  You don't risk anything by trying a plugin, as long as you're saving regularly.  :-)


I'd say, go for it.  Download, install, try it out.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.


That plugin pack has been updated since the release of Paint.NET 4.0, so it should work, but the only way to be 100% sure that the pack works with the latest version is to test it.  Since many people have downloaded it since its update and no major issues have been reported, I think you'll probably be fine.


And there is a 100% probability that there will be bugs, as no software is perfect.  But if you save often, you should be fine.  You don't risk anything by trying a plugin, as long as you're saving regularly.  :-)


I'd say, go for it.  Download, install, try it out.




1 last question how can I search for Pack or effect


for example I would like to add Square Brash or more shape and figure and words test option


maybe you can help me with that ?


I don't understand your question, but you can search for things at http://searchpaint.net.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

  • 3 weeks later...

November Update
Eight new plugins this month. Enjoy! :D

ClipDisplace - @Red ochre. Uses the tone of an image held in the clipboard to distort the current layer.

Color Replacer - @AnthonyScoffler. Convert all pixels in the current selection from one color to another. For a pdn 3.5 compatible version see post #13.

Gingham - @toe_head2001. Generates a Gingham pattern with custom color, width, and line styles.

Jigsaw Puzzle - @toe_head2001. Generates the outline of Jigsaw Puzzle pieces. The pieces are tiled to fill the layer or selection. Note: does not generate edge pieces.

PixelCounter 2 - @TechnoRobbo. Generates an Excel Spreadsheet guide for Book Folding (folding the pages of a real book into decorative designs). This plugin uses the source image to create the folding mask. It does not modify the image.

SubLCD - @toe_head2001. This is a usability update of xrl's original SubLCD resize plugin (LCD Subsampling resize), which "is useful if you want to display your images in a LCD/Plasma screen as it gives the appearance of a little more resolution."

Tartan - @toe_head2001. Build and render custom tartan/plaid patterns.

Tattersall - @toe_head2001. Generates a Tattersall pattern with custom colors, line width, spacing, and line style.

  • Upvote 6
  • 4 weeks later...

December Update

Just the one plugin published this month - but it's a beauty ;)

BoltBait's Seam Carving - @BoltBait. Effect calculates line(s) through an image (photograph) with the least amount of changes and deletes those lines shifting all pixels over to fill the gap. This is often called "content aware resizing".

  • Upvote 2
  • 5 weeks later...

January Update - Happy New Year!

Five new plugins were published in December

Blend Seams - @DataDink. Attempt to smooth out the edges of a texture in order to make the texture seamlessly tileable.

CalculPatron - book folding pattern - @roro69. Plugin to assist with the creation of book folding patterns. Output is saved to an Excel workbook. Controls are in French.

Color Cut - @DataDink. Removes the secondary color to create a cut out with blended, non-jagged edges. Color Threshold alters the color, Shade Threshold alters shade and Alpha Falloff controls the "hardness" of the effect.

Isometric Cuboid - @toe_head2001. Generates a Rectangular Cuboid and shows it using Isometric projection

Two-point Perspective - @toe_head2001. Generates a Rectangular Cuboid and shows it using two-point (vanishing point) projection

  • Upvote 3
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry but I could use some guidance in how to find plugins.

I'm looking for a plug in to apply textures.

If I search the plugin index, I find TEXTURE in Simon Brown's legacy pack.

When I click that link it goes to a different pack.

So how do I find the place to download?


Sorry for the trouble, I"m a newbie...

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