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Plugin Index

Message added by Ego Eram Reputo

The definitive and free resource for locating plugins. Updated monthly.

Written and maintained by SodiumEnglish and Ego Eram Reputo

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August Update

14 new plugins this month, including a new filetype and a new Plugin Pack.


Welcome to new author @JoZ1!


The veritable tsunami of new plugins from TechnoRobbo continues...

Base 64 filetype - @null54. Loads and saves Base64 encoded images. Only BMP and PNG format images can be saved. The format of the text file is UTF8.
Imgur Uploader - @JoZ1. Upload images directly from Paint.NET to imgur.com. Returns links to image in a number of formats.
TechnoRobbo's Plugin Pak - @TechnoRobbo. TechnoRobbo's Plugin Pak. Contains: TR's Displacement Map, TR's ZigZag, TR's Tesla Coil, TR's Star Filter, TR's Scatter, TR's Cloud Control, Tessellation Combo, Noise Bleacher, Line Tracer, Layer Cake, Full Spectrum Posterizer, Fish Eye, Edge Fader Extreme, Distort This!, CMY Ghost, Cycle HSV, TR's Halftone, TR's Colorizer HMS, TR's Tiled Pixels, TR's Pixel Sharpener, TR's B&W Photo, TR's Bokeh, TR's Pixel Pusher, TR's Tilt Shift, TR's Contour Filler.
TR's B&W Photo - @TechnoRobbo. Simulates the use of color filters and hot spots in B&W photography.
TR's Bokeh - @TechnoRobbo. A classic photographic effect of multicolored diffuse circles overlaid over the image. Almost like blurred christmas lights.
TR's Cloud Control - @TechnoRobbo. Renders configurable clouds to the layer or selection.
TR's Colorizer HMS - @TechnoRobbo. Smoothly adjust the image colorization between three color ranges (highlights, midtones & shadow).
TR's Contour Filler - @TechnoRobbo. Gradient fill effect which conforms to the contour of the Alpha Channel.
TR's Halftone - @TechnoRobbo. Simulate Halftone printing (technique used in newspapers and magazines) by interpreting color depth as a Dot or Square.
TR's Pixel Pusher - @TechnoRobbo. Distort images via stretching and squashing in a manner mimicing a fairground mirror.
TR's Pixel Sharpener - @TechnoRobbo. Sharpen photos by emphasising detail and adding noise type texture.
TR's Star Filter - @TechnoRobbo. Adds sparkle or glitter to image highlights. Similar to MadJik's Star Glow
TR's Tesla Coil - @TechnoRobbo. Simulates an electrical arc with configurable start and end points, thickness, intensity and more.
TR's Tiled Pixels - @TechnoRobbo. Pixelate an image or selection and simultaneously apply a shape to the enlarged pixels.
TR's Tilt Shift - @TechnoRobbo. A directional gradient blur tool designed to easily achieve an apparent change in the filed of view.

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  • 1 month later...

September Update


Seven new toys for you to play with this month!

Scintillate - @Red ochre. Alternately inverts the colours of an image in a tiltable pattern. At small scale the result is a migrane inducing tiled moire style pattern. Slightly larger scales mimics a half-tone effect.
TR's Alpha Cutter - @TechnoRobbo. Set up to 512 points around an object to define a mask.
TR's Coquin Graduated Filter - @TechnoRobbo. Apply Jean Coquin's graduated filter. A simulation of the 1970's photographic effect.
TR's Film Stock - @TechnoRobbo. Mimics photgraphic film speed (ISO) by reinterpreting the contrast in an image without losing the dynamic range.
TR's Smudger - @TechnoRobbo. Smudge,smear and blend colors in the layer. Requires that you hold the CTRL key to smudge.
TR's Str8Edge Tool - @TechnoRobbo. Smooths out jagged edges on a Cut-Out.
TR's Strobe Motion - @TechnoRobbo. Simulates a stop-motion effect as if continuous motion was captured in a series of images as illuminated by a strobe light.

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  • 4 weeks later...

October Update


Five new plugins this month.  Welcome to new authors metobi and doverdemon77 :)

ColorExchange - @metobi. Exchange one color channel for another.
ShadiSearch - @doverdemon77. Diagnose the Shade, Transparency and Saturation of an image or selection by recoloring using the Primary color.
Stencil2Eye - @doverdemon77. Create a stencil (monotone) image based on the primary color.
TR's DoodleMatic - @TechnoRobbo. Edge detection effect which turns artwork into a pencil type sketch.
TR's Pixel Puller - @TechnoRobbo. Pull the image around to emphasize or de-emphasize perspective. Companion plugin to TR's Pixel Pusher.

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Thanks Seerose!

You are missing FurBlur from your list. :)

Dang. Thanks null54 and apologies to Red Ochre for the omission. I'll flag FurBlur for inclusion in the next edition.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Could you please make a plugin package for us? I'd like to be able to just download a .zip file with all the effect files inside, so I can just drag them into the Paint.NET > effects folder. 




I play lots of Minecraft, (Minecraft.net), only 'creative mode' though. View my 'builds' and other stuff here: planetminecraft.com/member/fighterbear12  :smile:

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Sorry no. I have no authority to repackage the plugins released on this forum. Neither would I. I think it is a poor idea to install over 600 plugins when you won't ever use most of them.

Just download and install the plugins you need. It is not onerous and only needs to be done once. Plugin packs make it easier.

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  • 2 weeks later...

November Update


Seven new plugins this month including two filetypes, a ScriptLab batch processor, two image tiling tools and Red Ochres' impressive Fur Blur and Cobweb plugins.


Alivate Batch File Processor - @merarischroeder. Iterates through a given folder, opening each image with Paint.NET and applying a ScriptLab script before saving the image again. Requires ScriptLab be installed.

Chop Up and Save - @Martin Osieka. Chop the current layer into tiles and save them to individual files in a range of formats (including option to ZIP). Four files are required: 2 in /Effects and 2 in the Paint.NET installation folder.

Cobweb - @Red ochre. Randomly renders tangents to the 'tone gradient' in the layer/selection. Best applied to an image with smooth tone gradients (i.e. use a low radius blur first).

FurBlur - @Red ochre. A blur effect which mimics fur, hair, grass, etc…..,

Image Tiling FileType - @null54. Splits an image into tiles and saves them a zip file.

SVG Filetype - @Martin Osieka. Imports SVG and SVGZ files (Scalable Vector Graphics) and renders them as Paint.NET layers.

UnAlpha - @doverdemon77. Highlight fully or partially transparent pixels with the Primary Color, or replace them with different Alpha values.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The OP of this Plugin Index sticky says:

“Alphabetical List of Plugins 0-9 & A-C, revision date: 1 November 2013

But is this list the latest source or does one have to search the entire subforum? I bring the following example of Alpha Mask:


The only Alpha Mask I could find listed in this Plugin Index is by - Illnab1024 and is contained in PluginCompilation.zip which is version 1.1.2992.32335 dated 11 March 2008.


Yet, there is a more recent Alpha Mask, again by Illnab, version 2.0.3574.41943 dated 15 Oktober 2009 here:



Have I hit on an exception, or are my assumptions wrong?

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All things are difficult before they are easy.  (Thomas Fuller)

My signature was really annoying, so BoltBait deleted it. I should probably read rule #13 of the forum rules.

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You appear to have found an exception. I try to keep the plugin index up to date with the latest version(s) of plugins. It looks like I've slipped up with Alpha Mask.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll flag this plugin for an update in the next edition of the index.

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Hey Katzenfreund - I've done a little digging following your post!



The plugin you've described (dated 15 October 2009) is version 2.0.  It's an an update of version 1.2 which is in the Index, but was flagged as 'depreciated' because it pre-dated the one contained in the plugin pack.


illnab1024 seems to have pushed out v2.0 via that thread without updating his plugin pack.  So you're correct that v2.0 seems to be the latest.  I have updated the Plugin Index accordingly.


Note that I list only the release date of the plugin - not the version date.  The date I use denotes when the plugin first appeared in public.  Updates will always have later versoning/dates - I make no attempt to track these.


Thanks for pointing this error out!

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Good research, compliments, updates seem to be in good hands. :)


At the same time, I clarify that the dates (and versions) I quoted in my above post were of the plugins themselves, not of the posts, the zip files etc in which they appear.


Now, while we’re on the subject, you may want to also want to update the info on the Cutout Effect, which doesn’t work with the latest version of Paint.NET v.3.5.11.


The info now says: “Cutout Effect - Illnab1024. Broken. Use the newer version in Illnab1024's Plugins.”

In fact, the newer version is also broken, as per last two posts here:


All things are difficult before they are easy.  (Thomas Fuller)

My signature was really annoying, so BoltBait deleted it. I should probably read rule #13 of the forum rules.

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Good idea. I'll flag it as obsolete/broken for the next release.

Thanks for the information.

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Now, while we’re on the subject, you may want to also want to update the info on the Cutout Effect, which doesn’t work with the latest version of Paint.NET v.3.5.11.


The info now says: “Cutout Effect - Illnab1024. Broken. Use the newer version in Illnab1024's Plugins.”

In fact, the newer version is also broken, as per last two posts here:



How old is your copy of the Plugin Index?  I ask because both Cutout plugins have been flagged as 'broken & obsolete' since April 2013.


I have removed the redirection comment though as it was a bit misleading.  This change will appear next month.

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I wasn't referring to "my copy of the Plugin Index" (I don't have a personal one) but to that in the sticky on the first page which still reads:. 




I thought that was clear and was surprised by the question. But I note that you've now made the correction that will appear next month, so the matter should be considered solved. 


However, it would have been better if the broken effect was replaced with a working one. Or at least be a separate plugin one could remove, because it causes instability if accidentally clicked.

Edited by Katzenfreund

All things are difficult before they are easy.  (Thomas Fuller)

My signature was really annoying, so BoltBait deleted it. I should probably read rule #13 of the forum rules.

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We have no control over how an author chooses to release their plugin (grouped dll vs individual dll). We do encourage individual dlls but cannot insist on in.

There appears to be is no working version of Cutout so we have no way to replace it unless illnab1024 chooses to release another version and/or update the plugin pack.

You might want to download the pdf version of the Plugin Index. It contains more information on each plugin than the abbreviated forum entries. It's free ;)

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Thanks for the tip, I got the pdf version and it is indeed more informative and more up to date too.


Now, while googling for plugins before finding this thread, I came across the following page, which seems well organized as regards presentation. Is it official or related to this forum?


EDIT: Link removed as per following posts.

Edited by Katzenfreund

All things are difficult before they are easy.  (Thomas Fuller)

My signature was really annoying, so BoltBait deleted it. I should probably read rule #13 of the forum rules.

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That site steals plugins and spreads malware - I'm surprised the forum allowed the link.


This forum or the individual plugin author's website are the only safe place to download from.


Repeat they are thieves! - I know, - they are distributing my plugins without permission.


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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OK, thanks Red ochre, now I know and avoid it. But unfortunately, I fear that as it appears in Google search and its url looks genuine, many users will fall for it, as I nearly did myself.


If you want, I'll edit the link out of my post, or leave it to warn others, or wait for a mod to take appropriate action.  It may also be an idea if this forum had a sticky warning about it.

All things are difficult before they are easy.  (Thomas Fuller)

My signature was really annoying, so BoltBait deleted it. I should probably read rule #13 of the forum rules.

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Hi Katzenfreund,

Not your fault - it's a mistake I made a couple of years ago too. The old forum software used to stop a link being posted for that url - I have let the mods know that it isn't working, but probably a good idea to remove it anyway.

I think the policy is not to draw attention to them?

A user reported some malware from that site recently here post 7.http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27315-anyone-having-issues-with-this/


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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OK, as you're one of the most respected - and useful - people around here, I've followed your advice and edited out the illegitimate link.


Glad to have made your acquaintance by the way. As a matter of coincidence, only today I was using your bezncurve plugin to do the work of the missing polygon selection tool. It worked fine, compliments. :)

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All things are difficult before they are easy.  (Thomas Fuller)

My signature was really annoying, so BoltBait deleted it. I should probably read rule #13 of the forum rules.

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