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EmeraldCullen's Gallery UPDATED 10.3.09 (m.d.yy)


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Hey, I'm Emerald, or Stephieyy, whichever....I'm new to posting in the forums, but I've been lurking for a while. Tell me what you think!



My beautiful cousins :) I took the picture of the flower, but not of them.


Heeeerrrreee Chickey, Chickey! 100% pdn


changed my flowers rainbow!


New abstract. I call it 'curtains'


What a gem! 100% pdn


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So, when I first downloaded pdn, I did what most new users do: grabbed a bunch of plugins, and went crazy with polar inversion :mrgreen: After I calmed down a little, I did a lot of abstracts, here are a few of my favorites:


This is called 'Rainbow Marbles'


This for some reason reminds me of birds, so this is called 'Bird wings'


This sort of reminded of that nickelodeon show 'Jimmy Neutron' that I watched when I was like 6....so it's called 'Neutron Marble'


This reminded me of a greenhouse window, so it's called 'psycadellic window'


This is called 'Stained Glass'


This sort of reminded me of different layers of colored tracing paper, so it's called 'Tracing Paper'


New abstract. I call it 'curtains'


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So, after I got the abstracts out of my system, I looked around the forums at some tutorials. I made changes on most of my results. I don't have the exact names of each of the tuts, but all of these images below were made from other's tuts, with some changes. Here are some of the results:


So, I saw a tut that taught how to make ribbons, by MadJik, and I created this. I call it 'Gas Puddle'


I learned how to do this from topHATslash's tut. I added the text and the heart using the same method.


I made this using ash's tut, but I made a lot of changes.


I made this with Oma's tut...I didnt make any changes (that I remember) but I did use it to make a later project.


I made this using jsonchiu's tut for the planet and rings (changes made) The background is my own design, and the text at the bottom right was made using tylerdx1993's tut, again, with changes


This was made using ash's gem tut, using ideas from both versions, and a couple ideas of my own.


This was made following Frozen_byte's tut. After using their tut, I used some of their ideas, and added some of mine, to make this :



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This was started with oma's tut for a pear, and I decided to expand my pear into a whole basket of fruit. The basket partially came from methods in one of ash's tuts (I'm pretty sure), but the apple, orange, and grapes are all mine. 100% pdn


Since I'm such a big Harry Potter fan, I had to try to create a Golden Snitch. 100% my own, and pdn. I used the picture below for reference:



Here, I decided to experiment with metallic texture, so I made Sweeney Todd's Razor. 100% mine and pdn, using the below picture for reference, though I changed the design on the case of the razor:



I'm a huge Twilight fan, as you can tell by my username, so I decided to create Rosalie's necklace. 100% mine and pdn, using the below pic for a grid (you know the method, make a blank grid and a grid on the picture and then try to make each square look the same?)



I was bored, so I made a Rubik's Cube...yay!


I tried my hand at making a sunset....100% mine!


I decided to try to make my guitar on PdN....after, I decided to make a background-type-thing out of it:



I also decided to try to make a candle...credit to -expiration- for their tut on making flames. I used their ideas from the tut, altered them a bit, and made the flame and smoke in the pic with it--candle, dish, and match are 100% mine.


HEEEEERRRREEESSS BUMBLEBEE!! Sorry for the caps, I now have an obsession with Transformers...not my best work but it took 5 hours...


Heeeerrrreee Chickey, Chickey! 100% pdn


What a gem! 100% pdn


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I decided to try to edit some eyes....the originals are on the bottom, pics taken from photobucket


My beautiful cousins. I took the picture of the flower, but not of them.


I took both pics, and used pdn to merge them.


changed my flowers rainbow!

And, that's the end! (for now) Any comments/suggestions/constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. I'm pretty sure I followed all of the rules, but if not, please let me know. Thanks for looking!

EDIT: added Rubik's Cube 7:33pm 5/26/09

EDIT: added both spacescapes and the sunset 5:56pm 5/28/09

EDIT: added two guitar pics 1:42pm 5/29/09

EDIT: added eyes and candle 5:42pm 5/30/09

EDIT: added Bumblebee 10:47pm 7/5/09

EDIT: added a BUNCH of new things 10/3/09


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welcome to the forum. you have a very nice gallery so far. and I've enjoyed looking at all of the pictures you've managed to complete.

will be back often for a little look see at what you are working on. may not always leave a note, but I try to check all the galleries at least once a week.

ciao enjoy your time with us on the forum.


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@Oma: Thanks :) It's so nice to see people take intrest in each other's work here

@Ash: I kinda feel like I'm talking to royalty :D I owe any talent I've developed for PdN to the people who write amazing tutorials for people like me to follow :) Thanks very much.

@KillerK: Thank you, I'm glad to get positive feedback on those, especially since I wasn't sure if they were that great...


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So glad you are not lurking any longer and have opened a gallery. Nice work and I think doing abstracts and playing around with the plug-ins are a good way to learn what you can do with them. I have not done any tuts in a while but I have done many. I printed them out and put them in a binder. I have a whole section dedicated to Boltbait tuts and one to Ash tuts.

I too am grateful to those who developed and shared this great program with us and to those who take the time to write great plug-ins and to those who share their knowledge with us.

Welcome and I look forward to seeing more from you EmeraldCullen. Sounds a little Irish. Go Irish!


"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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  • 1 month later...

you havent been here long, and you already kick a lot of our butts! you rock! (guitar pic joke)

that fruit basket is O_O incredible, eye opening and just... wow.


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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Excellent Gallery! It's good to see you followed different kinds of tuts and made your own art as well. I especially like Bumblebee, though I think it would look better at a lower resolution (bit blurry). Your sunset is nice too, and I like your snitch as well.

Great job, I hope you keep it up and keep refining!

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

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  • 2 months later...

I had not been to your gallery before. Your latest works are really great. Love the duckling, curtains is beautiful and very clean, and the gem is a really great spin on Ash's gem. I'll have to come back later and see the rest of your images. (When my internet connection is better !)


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Like I mentioned in the PM, your duckling is amazingly cute! I just want to hold it. It's so adorable! I love your photo manipulations; the different colors you use brings them out. Nice job. :P

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

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