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Changing jewelry from silver to gold

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Sounds like you have got a yellow color cast.

It's a lot easier to remove color casts in a program like photoshop, but there are some plug ins that help achieve similar results in pdn.

Unless you are familiar with curves, the easiest one to use is Boltbaits color balance plug in. Use the yellow-blue slider to remove the yellow look. It is simple to do, but the disadvantage of this method is it applies equally to shadows, mid tones and highlights. Give it a try and see if it works. Boltbaits plugins are available in pack form in the plugin section of this forum. :)

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You may try giving evanolds' Conditional Hue / Saturation effect a try. It's in his plugin pack here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=27897

It allows you to limit the effect of the Hue / Saturation adjustment to only specific color regions. It really depends upon the starting color of the off-tone metal, but it may help you keep the adjustment off the stones.

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Worst case, your photo is of a yellow colored stone and you got gold tone.

Select the metal parts only... :EllipseSelectTool: or :RectangleSelectTool: or :SelectAll: or :LassoTool:

Then try CDM's advice. Conditional Hue / Saturation or Hue / Saturation adjustment.

The key is to lower the saturation.

And if you want to change silver to gold, use Benji's idea.


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Glad to be of assistance, Hexi. Welcome to the forum.

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Glad to be of assistance, Hexi. Welcome to the forum.

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