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How to create a card tutorial?

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I was wondering if there's anyone who could create a basic tutorial on how to make a card as a gift for someone? It doesn't have to be too fancy, but good enough that it looks professional without having to spend money. I'd really appreciate it very much!

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hello Jaykaye welcome to the forum.

cards well there is loads of scope there.

first recommend you start with "what is the occasion"

second "male" "female"

third "fancy" or simple"

fourth " what are you planning on printing this on? or is it just to email" 4 fold? 2 fold?

fifth "are you using your own artwork in paint.net or you need to learn to draw something suitable?"

I've a few ideas .



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Thanks Oma for the welcome and for the reply. ^_^

Ok, to be a bit more specific, it's a card for my mom - for Mother's Day to be exact (yes it's late).

I just want it simple, as long as it's not complicated. I actually started it out as a poem, which is the entire focus - it's revolved around that. So I just maybe want to add a pretty border or frame, and some cute designs.

I definitely want to print it out, make it into a two fold. What kind of paper do you recommend I should use?

Hope this is enough :)

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