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DWG DXF Viewer

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DWG (DraWinG) is the standard file format of AutoCAD drawings.

DXF (Drawing eXchange Format) is a universal file format.

All CAD and CAM programs can open it, so they use this to import in other CAD en CAM products if they aren' t sure if it can read a DWG file.

If this is possible to implement maybe you can add DWF (Drawing Web Format) support.

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This definitely won't make it into the main Paint.NET release.

However, Paint.NET v2.2 supports file format plugins, so it's completely possible that somebody could write a DLL to handle these formats.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Paint.NET v2.5 does support file format plugins, so it's completely plausible that someone would ride a plugin that would read and rasterize files of this type. Saving would be another matter entirely of course.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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