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Work Done By Me!

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ah yeah...i gues you r right xD i'll do that next time =/

btw how did you do your Avatar?....could you tell me were the tutorial if you used one is? if you didnt.....well tell me just how you did it ^^



1. Create a 100x100 image.

2. Do a elipse selection (Start: 0x0 End 100x100)

3. Do a dark-to-light gray gradient.

4. New layer.

5. Do a elipse selection (Start: 5x5 End 95x95)

6. Fill with blue.

7. Create a new layer.

OK the next steps are a bit difficult.

8. Draw a white circle at the top.

9. Do a circle selection bigger than the circle.

10. Move selection (not selected pixels!) to the bottom part of the circle.

11. Delete.

12. Gaussian blur at some pixels.

13. New layer.

14. Draw a white circle at the bottom.

15. Gaussian blur.

16. New layer.

17. Type your text.


18: Resize the canvas to 102x102 (make sure the pic stays at the center)

19: Do radial blur of 5 pixels in the gradient and blue circles.

20: DONE!


Now off to eat!

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thnbks!!!! =D i'll do 1 at night! have to go to the beach (orry about the erros but i'm in a rush!)

EDIT:what you maen on step 3: Do a dark-to-light gray gradient? =/ is it a pluggin? ...didnt reallyunderstood what ya mean

EDIT: Before you posted that and before all i did one...but is bit.....whith too much blur and then i used sharpen to take some of the blur i guess.....but i like it......[still trying to follow the tutorial =/ but with the same problem =/]


EDIT: Great....the same problem as always.....when i do blur it does blurr to the 2 colours of the circle withe the background -,...,- dam.......what's the problem?......

EDIT: I did it more or less by another way......hope it remains ok... now i didnt understood what you said n the second and the harder step......i guess it was the language you used =/ dunno =/

EDIT: I knew do all but by another way...=/ my problem as that i didnt know the secret...RADIAL BLUR ^,...,^ it makes all the diference!!!! Not i'm going to do 1 to me and make some little things different =) Thnks a lot =) (and so the secret was revealed =))

EDIT: Finally finished it...it's 4:03am....Here is the finnished work:



I love them =) it's gonna be my Avatar and banner in here =) thnks trickman =)

btw...if to you it seems too much like yours....(in fact it seems a bit =/ then i can always change......

and btw again.....wich program you used to do the animation on your Av? is it free? i want a program like that =D

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