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What i found cool while messing with Shwoops

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Hey i was messing around with my shwoop today and founds some really cool things when you use the distort plugin have a look

Original Shwoop


Tiled Shwoop


Twisted Shwoop


Polar Inverted Shwoop


I thought these were quite cool

reply with any discoveries you have found so i can try them out and discover more as i am quite new with Paint.Net

Thanks Lil_AzZa

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believe me, we've all seen what the distortion effects can do and how fun they are to mess with :P

I still love the tile one, it makes things look like candy. I have to hold myself back from licking my moniter. Anyway here's something I came up with:



^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^

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I still love the tile one, it makes things look like candy. I have to hold myself back from licking my moniter.

lol Wow your picture is in credible i need to start on my new sig it sorta sucks atm made in M$ Paint lol any tips?

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thanks :D , i prob. should update my sig too seeing as how i've gotten a bit better since the time i made my current. As for your sig, what do you want it to look like, maybe I can help you a bit ;)


^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^

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im not sure yet anything really i want to put my "candy" in it like as the background and i would like in small letters in the corner Lil_AzZa and for it to have neon highliights thats aabout the only idea i have at the moment.

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I can't download any of them! I share my PC with the rest af my familie and I'm not an admin so a can't access the C Drive :evil: !!! But I'm hoping to be purchasing a laptop soon that will be ALL MINE!

* Sighs with the thought *

Zacariem :lol:

They said we couldn't fly.

We did.

Anythings possible!


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atm = at the moment

Born2killx I'm sure you can find a resource online for finding out the answers to these questions, like MSN Search or Google or something. Please don't add off-topic posts to threads with questions like this.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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