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I'm new to Paint and I'm enjoying it so far. I have a project I'm working on and it calls for me to create a wine bottle. I've tried free hand tools and it just looks unprofessional. I'm sure there is some way to combine a number of elements using the fixed tools like ellipse tool, etc. and some of the methodologies I've seen for creating a glass ball to derive the same effect for a wine bottle. I'm wondering if anyone with experience might have any suggestions or tutorials on creating something that has a free flowing style to it like a wine bottle but that still needs to have very concise and distinct geometric purity and a realistic feel like a wine bottle with glass, a cork and even wine inside???

Thanks for any advice

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some of us have done these. Myself I know I posted a bottle of wine in the realistic pictorium and I did some little glasses showing pg 24 of my gallery. Goonfella I know did an excellent bottle of wine that's on pg 16 of his personal gallery. There are others but can't recall them off the top of my head.

have a look and see if that's what you are after. and let us know.


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I`ve already put the link to my tut and a how I thought I got the shape of the bottle so smooth but now I know for sure because I have just finished an Orb and to keep the edges smooth I did use feather and G blur like I mentioned . I wasn`t completely sure before but now I am.

Have fun :wink:



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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