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Ok, still new to this, but I read the rules and have searched for this, I saw someone a few hours ago have a tutorial on it but now I can't find it :oops: I make a new file and it is automatically white background. I think with my first image I made i somehow was able to move it off the screen? This is all unfamiliar for me. I usually use adobe photoshop 7.0 and use transparancies/png. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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If i understand what you mean then..

If all your work is in layers, and on transparent backgrounds then all you do is find the layer with the background then delete the layer (the black "X" button in the layers window). If not, then: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=28790 is what you may need. :)

Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

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ok, I got the select and delete on the background to work once I create a new file. I tried to upload an avatar as a png but it said it was saved as a jpg on tinypic.com. Did it save it as a jpg because it had a background despite the fact that I had just made the background layer not visable instead of deleting it? Does that make sense?

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I'm not to good with file types, but if you take a look at this it should help: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=26975

If you're still saving as a .png with transparency, and its turning out as a .jpg, then there might be something wrong in PDN, your computer, or the method you're carrying out. =P

Perhaps someone else could offer more than i can? =)

Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

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I guess it's trial and error for now. As you can see my simple avatar I re-made now works :D Is there anyway to make a personal quick reference of certain topics that would be easy to find? Like the link you just gave me. I know I can just comment on the thread and then go to "my topics" for easy reference, but I don't know if that's against the rules since I don't have anything productive to actually say on the topic. My memory for things is a wee it small :P

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