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Can't Download Paint.net

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I downloaded the set-up bit. But when i run it i get as far as the part just after where you are asked to choose between the Quick or Custom Install. After that i get an error message. WTF!!!

I have re-downloaded paint.net and tried that, restarted my comp, neither of which works. Any advice as to how i go about fixing this please? I used to have paint.net on my old comp and never had a problem installing it before

This is what i get

it says "A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file: C:\Program files\paint.NET\Staging\PaintDotNet_1305551231.msi"


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Moved to Troubleshooting

Please refer to the all-capitals "sticky" post at the top of this forum. Looks like you want the MSI cleanup utility.

Thank you for the reply Rick. I installed/updated the the net.framework thingy and tried again but still getting the same error message.

As you can probably tell from my above explanation i'm not great with computers or the lingo! Am i missing something?

Sorry to be a pain :?

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Moved to Troubleshooting

Please refer to the all-capitals "sticky" post at the top of this forum. Looks like you want the MSI cleanup utility.

Thank you for the reply Rick. I installed/updated the the net.framework thingy and tried again but still getting the same error message.

As you can probably tell from my above explanation i'm not great with computers or the lingo! Am i missing something?

Sorry to be a pain :?

To be honest, this error is a huge pain, and while I've had it twice and managed to fix it both times, I managed to fix it both times using a different way, both of which took me an hour

Also, Rick has never, ever, been able to reproduce this bug before, so there isn't much Rick can do either.

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No no. "Bug" refers to a mistake or oversight in programming; "virus" means a malicious program designed to cause harm.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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I'm really sorry to be a pain in the < no swearing > guys but i am still none the wiser as to how to fix this problem.

The other error message that shows up along with the first one i posted is below.

I'm not sure as to what this means either. My computer was built by a friend so there are no support personnel to contact.

I know Rick mentions this "MSI cleanup utility" in his first post but i don't know where to get it, what i am to do with it or what it does. Will this solve the problem or is there no cure for this issue?????

It has been suggested to me to download gimp along with many other free and non-free paint programs but to be honest i really want paint.net back. I have always used it before, like it and would rather have it than any other.

please help if you can


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