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When I grow up, I want to be a programmer, so I want to know where I can start, any programs I can use, how to compile stuff, etc. for C#. Any suggestions?

The short answer is "You don't".

Do not start with C#. As its relatives C and C++ it demands a lot of lower-level debugging. The C languages is nothing for beginners, trust me. If you have not already learned HTML and a bit of CSS, learn it first. It will give you a good programming introduction (although neither HTML or CSS is a programming language per say).

If you want to start to learn programming, start with an interpreted language, like Python. It is easy, common and highly portable.

After mastering that, you could look around for other programming languages to learn. Remember that when you have mastered a few programming languages, you can easily learn another simply by studying its syntax.

err... phython.org doesn't exist...


oh no... not another forum with a "which programming language is the best to start with?" discussion thread... :?

My short tip: Visual Basic is one of the most beginner friendly programming languages with quite intuitive syntax. (I still use it a lot myself, though you're forced often to use a certain language)

oh no... not another forum with a "which programming language is the best to start with?" discussion thread... :?

My short tip: Visual Basic is one of the most beginner friendly programming languages with quite intuitive syntax. (I still use it a lot myself, though you're forced often to use a certain language)

Yes, I agree to some extent, byt VB is not as protable, as it is conected to mircosoft. Also, I'm not that found of it as it leads to poor programming habits :?

oh no... not another forum with a "which programming language is the best to start with?" discussion thread... :?

My short tip: Visual Basic is one of the most beginner friendly programming languages with quite intuitive syntax. (I still use it a lot myself, though you're forced often to use a certain language)

Yes, I agree to some extent, byt VB is not as protable, as it is conected to mircosoft. Also, I'm not that found of it as it leads to poor programming habits :?

oh well, one more post in this discussion.

Get rid of those prejudices about the languages and their origin.

Basic was one of the first languages supporting "GoTo" and some people, as fear-of-the-new reaction, said it would lead to unreadable spaghetti code. Today nearly every language supports "GoTo" and no one complains.

Until version 6 VB had the default setting "variables don't have to be explicitly declared before use". This of cause, causes very bad programming style at newcomers, since there is no motivation of thinking about datatypes. Every newer version of VB got rid on this default setting, though this option still exists somewhere, dug deep inside the options.

(you didn't mention this one, but anyway) Some people say/said VB isn't OOP. Until version 6 it didn't eve support inheritance at all, but from the next ones on (.NET based), it is fully functional like any other .NET programming languages (besides some minor compiler efficiency differences).

And yes, VB is strongly linked to MS atm. But who cares? MS really does some excellent software and I don't know what's wrong with those guys (besides the windows xp security gaps). And since we're just talking about which probably is best to start with, it doesn't really matter anyway.

When you're programming the whole day, the switching from one language to another is done in a day or two without problems.

(*resigns from this eternal discussion*)

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