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My New Glass Button!


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Anyone with Windows Vista will have seen the impressive glass designs, and one of those is the Play Button on WMP. Now with all my new skills learned, made these for fun. Take a look, comment, or try it for yourself! I don't think I'll really be making any tutorial yet, as I forget how I did it really... :P




Cool custom Wallpaper, you may use it if you like!

Link: http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh277/puddleofmudd25/wallpaper-2.jpg

I think these may be some of my best work yet.


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Anyone with Windows Vista will have seen the impressive glass designs, and one of those is the Play Button on WMP. Now with all my new skills learned, made these for fun. Take a look, comment, or try it for yourself! I don't think I'll really be making any tutorial yet, as I forget how I did it really... :P




Cool custom Wallpaper, you may use it if you like!

Link: http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh277/puddleofmudd25/wallpaper-2.jpg

I think these may be some of my best work yet.


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! I don't think I'll really be making any tutorial yet, as I forget how I did it really... :P

I know the feeling :lol:

Great job on the buttons and that wallpaper is pretty damned cool. All PDN ?

You bet, everything there (Except the right of the wallpaper) is done in PDN. Never used anything else.


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! I don't think I'll really be making any tutorial yet, as I forget how I did it really... :P

I know the feeling :lol:

Great job on the buttons and that wallpaper is pretty damned cool. All PDN ?

You bet, everything there (Except the right of the wallpaper) is done in PDN. Never used anything else.


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