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Prog assistance please.

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I am slowly familiarising myself with paint.net & understand that it can post images to an online forum in JPG, however I'm having trouble getting it to test post to a forum which only allows JPG, gif, mpg, XIS & rtf.

paint.net is pdn which the above forum disallows.

What am I doing wrong & how can I change the File Format Associations to suit, please?

Paint Shop Pro 7 works fine.

Thank you.

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1) If the file type does not support layers you will have to flatten your image into one layer, do this by pressing the key combination of Ctrl + Shift + F. Alternatively, it will ask you to flatten when saving if the format is non-supporting of layers.

Hhhmmmm, it doesn't tell/ask me to flatten & it is still greyed out in the dropdown & Control+Shift+F doesn't work either.

If I can just get this right, it will do me. :roll:

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we are asking for the layers window info


see along the top it says file edit view etc. hit the window button a drop down menu comes and hit the layers to show

if you have one layer its already flattened if it show like my second image above with two layers you need to flatten

you do that along top line file edit view hit the image button and then flatten. if its grayed out then its one layer already.

from there go to file and hit that button

save as. next.

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no problem we've all been beginners at some point or other. once I saw your screen shot I realized you were probably mistaking that little thumb up in the right as indicator of layers. that is where you see which pictures are open in Paint.net.

you just stick with it. eventually it gets much easier.



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