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Can you install the 5.1.1 beta from here and then run it with the /disableSwapChainValidRectPropagation command-line parameter? (further instructions are in the link)


I think I might've been able to reproduce this on my system, it might be something wrong with how your system is handling the use of IDXGISwapChain1::Present1(). (I'm getting several other reports of this as well, so it's not actually just you)



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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Rick Brewster said:

What are you using to record the video with?


I've seen some discussion elsewhere online that OBS may not play well with applications that use DXGI Flip Model, with Paint.NET now uses in 5.1.

Windows Snipping Tool. I do not have OBS.


Will try the other solution later today.

Edited by joeydarko
Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, Rick Brewster said:

Try the new 5.1.1 beta build 9098. If I'm right about the fix I added, it won't need you to specify any of those command-line parameters: 


New build has the same issue.  Running with the command line you suggested also does not fix the issue.

Edited by joeydarko

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