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Solid black pic?

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1 hour ago, dbzang said:

Like ALL black?


1. In the Colors window set the Primary colour to black (click on the black/white icon :BlackAndWhite: )

2. Press Ctrl+A to do Edit > Select All

3. Press Backspace to do Edit > Fill Selection

4. Press Ctrl+D (or Esc) to do Edit > Deselect 




It's a good idea to spend some time working through the well written Documentation. It will help you become familiar with the fundamentals of paint.net


Click the :Help: Help icon top right in paint.net.



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1 hour ago, dbzang said:

I want to make this picture, solid black...so the pic to be solid black....


1. In the Colors window set the Primary colour to black (click on the black/white icon :BlackAndWhite: )

2. Press Shift+S to activate the Magic Wand tool

3. Click on a transparent pixel in your picture. This will select all of the transparent area as shown below.

4. Press Ctrl+I to do Edit > Invert Selection. This will select the vehicle.

5. Press Backspace to do Edit > Fill Selection

6. Press Ctrl+D (or Esc) to do Edit > Deselect





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18 minutes ago, dbzang said:

it just keeps making the whole screen black? not just the pic itself

The instructions given above are straightforward to follow.

When using the Magic Wand at Step 3, you possibly have the Tolerance (in the toolbar) set to a high value and are therefore selecting the entire image.

The default Tolerance is 50% and the instructions work perfectly.

Have you spent any time reading the Documentation about the fundamentals of paint.net as advised?


People are happy to help - but not to spoon feed. You have to do some of the experimenting and learning work yourself.


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1 hour ago, dbzang said:


Okay - (but please don't SHOUT!)


1 hour ago, dbzang said:

Im trying to make it work...but its not

In the screenshot below I've highlighted in red the Magic Wand tool and the Tolerance control in the toolbar.

If we now follow the previous instructions:

Step 3: Using the Magic Wand I have clicked on a transparent pixel. Tolerance is set to 50%.
You can see from the dotted selection outline that only the transparent area is selected.


Step 4: Here we Invert the selection. The dotted selection outline is now around the vehicle only.



Step 5:  Here we Fill the selected area with the Primary colour (which we set in Step 1 to black).

Notice that the selection still exists.



Step 6: Deselect the selection.


If this is not understandable, or it still is not working for you, then please show us screenshots of exactly what differs from the above.



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51 minutes ago, dbzang said:

Ty...sry i shouted, im mentally ill

OK. Understood.



51 minutes ago, dbzang said:

i need things in pic form

Hopefully the above step-by-step instructions  along with the step-by-step pictures have shown you how to achieve the black image.

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I think the important lesson here is that in all cases the background layer should be kept separate from everything else and that all other new layers are created on a transparent background, as they are by default.


So in this case you'd start with the default white background but you immediately add a new layer above it and create your design in that layer or other, additional transparent background layers above that.


This makes things like this far easier than having to cut them out, usually, inaccurately with the Magic Wand and Cut tool. It gives a much cleaner result particular if parts of the design are the same tone as the background.


However I'm guessing in this case the original picture is not yours and came with the white background.


Could be wrong but I'm guessing you want the space(?) craft all black for it to act as a mask so you can drop it down onto another background, yes/no?


Well if you follow Tactilis instructions for separating it from the background you will not need to do that. Once it has a transparent background you can put that in a layer above any background. Job done.


I've done this sort of thing myself when creating custom icons for video games like this:-




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3 hours ago, IHaveNoName said:

I think the important lesson here is...

@IHaveNoName I agree with everything you say.

Except for this bit...

3 hours ago, IHaveNoName said:

However I'm guessing in this case the original picture ... came with the white background.

The original picture that the OP posted above already has a transparent background* which is why I was able to suggest using the Magic Wand on the transparent area and then inverting the selection.


* To check this, you can change the Forum Theme (menu at at the foot of the page). You will see the Default White/Dark/Goodnight Nurse colour around the vehicle.  Alternatively, if you right click on the picture and save the .png you will find it has transparency.



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I did check that before I posted but just used the basic browser View Image tool and that shows an all white background so I went with that being the problem. Usually if the background is transparent it will display as transparent, at least that is what I thought.


But I've now downloaded and opened it in PDN and you're right the original picture does have a transparent background.


Interesting - I've checked other images with transparent backgrounds (I tried .SVG) using the same browser/settings and they display the transparency with the familiar chequered transparency background. I'd assumed that was the case for all images, obviously not.


I've come across graphics tools that won't save transparency, I ran into that problem with some .ICO images a long time ago. But I did not know that could happen when just viewing images.  


You learn something new every day. 😀




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