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Bending or Wrapping an Object?

Go to solution Solved by Red ochre,

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I am back playing with the covers for the books I have been working on. A uniting feature of all seven covers is the DNA strands I referenced making in another thread. 


This is a rough of the seventh cover. 



What this is supposed to be is a Gate between the world as we know it, and a nasty place called the Bloodlands. 


I'm using a low-rez backdrop from Adobe for this. When/If I get it worked out, I will purchase the hi-rez one for the final. 


I placed the backdrop on one layer and duplicated it. On the bottom layer, I used Bolt Bait's Color Balance (Adjustments => Color Balance) to turn the layer as close to blood-red as I could. On the upper layer, I used the oval select tool to cut away a section of the "real world" version so it's sort of like looking through a window. 


I also used Adjustments => Black & White to turn a set of white pearl DNA strands into black pearls. 


The above works, but I think it might work better if I could somehow wrap the DNA around the edge of the oval frame while maintaining its basic shape. Is there a plug-in that will let me do this?

Edited by Marilynx
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There are detailed instruction there - it's a different method depending on whether you have the store version or classic (free) version.

If you have other plug-ins installed you'll be looking for an 'Effects' folder.


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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