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2 images separated by diagonal line

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Welcome to the forum @DrGonzo_101


If you are new to paint.net, then you first need to learn how to use layers. See the Documentation here: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/index.html


Specifically, look at Layers Window and Working with Layers


To achieve your overlaid images, you could put Image1 in the bottom layer and Image2 in the layer above. You then need to Erase (i.e. make transparent) top left triangle of Image2 so that area of Image1 becomes visible.


There are several ways you could create a triangular selection.

Some options are:

- Create a Rectangular Selection and use the Move Selection tool to rotate and resize it so that it sits in the correct area. Then Erase Selection.

- Use the Lasso Select tool. Then Erase Selection.

- On 3rd layer, draw a diagonal line and make a Magic Wand selection of the area to the left of it. Switch back to layer 2, Erase Selection. Delete layer 3.


Use the Documentation and experiment. Ask again if you get stuck.

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