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Problems with DropShadow

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Hi guys I'm new to paint.net and I'll tell ya, it's going to take me awhile to figure out how all this works, but I'm trying.

Here's my problem, when I try to use DropShadow I receive an error (see below).

File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.dll

Effect Name: Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.DropShadowEffect

Full error message: System.MethodAccessException: PaintDotNet.ColorWheel..ctor()

at Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.DropShadowConfigDialog.InitializeComponent()

at Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.DropShadowConfigDialog..ctor()

at Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.DropShadowEffect.CreateConfigDialog()

at PaintDotNet.Menus.EffectMenuBase.RunEffect(Type effectType)

1 of 1


File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.DropShadow.dll

Effect Name: Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.SmartEffect

Full error message: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.SmartEffect' from assembly 'Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

I'm using Version# 3.36.3158.38068 of Paint.net. as far as I've been able to gather, this is the latest version.

Here's what I have already tried:

I removed all but DropShadow from my Effects folder, this however made no difference. I then deleted DropShadow and re-downloaded it, unzipped and placed the DLL's in the Effects folder (DropShadow version dated 13/3/2008). I tried again to see if it would work, but I'm sorry to say, No Luck.

No disrespect intended, but I've been building and repairing PC's for many years so before you ask, Yes, I do know how to extract a DLL from a zip file, and from actually reading your Forum, I know where to put it( I can't believe so many people on this forum have such a problem, with such a simple task).

Anyway; I would much appreciate any help you can offer.

PS As far as I can see, this is a Fantastic program,and I just have to figure out how it all works! Keep up the good work.

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